Sneha Girap (Editor)


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109.38 km2


Musina or Messina (see name situation below) is the northernmost town in the Limpopo province of South Africa. It is located near the confluence of the Limpopo River with the Sand River and the border to Zimbabwe. It has a population of between 20,000 and 40,000. Iron ore, coal, magnetite, graphite, asbestos, diamonds, semi-precious stones and copper are mined in the region.


Map of Musina

Musina galina poledance promo


Musina in the past, History of Musina

The Musina tribe discovered copper and settled here. In the 20th century European prospectors rediscovered the large copper deposits and established the town of Messina. The spelling of the name was changed to Musina in 2003 to correct the colonial-era misspelling of the name of the Musina people.


Musina Beautiful Landscapes of Musina

The Limpopo River is a dry river bank which flows annually in rains when lichen and other plant species of the desert region come alive. Sometimes, it floods. The low-shrub and thorny tree lands that surround Musina and thrive in rains are alive with animals in sanctuaries that offer experienced-only camping safari accessible by sand and rock road tracks. Access is generally good, with the N1 road from Johannesburg through Musina northwards being wide tar, as are most other roads in the area.


The town, which was founded and settled by people of originally-European descent, was long-named Messina. However, in 2003, the Limpopo Government changed the name to Musina. Unlike other town name changes in South Africa, such as Pretoria, it went through with very little opposition. The reason is probably because the name change was only a misspelling, rather than giving a whole new name.


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