Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Motor Car Act 1903

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The Motor Car Act 1903 (3 Edw.7, c. 36) was an Act of the United Kingdom Parliament which introduced registration of motor cars, driver licensing and increased the speed limit.



The Act followed the Locomotives on Highways Act 1896 which had increased the speed limit for motorcars to 14 mph from the previous 4 mph in rural area and 2 mph in towns.

There were some who wished to see the speed limit removed altogether. The influential Automobile Club (soon to become the Royal Automobile Club or RAC) was split on the subject; the chair of the working group on the Bill was Lord Montagu (MP) who took a moderate line supporting speed limits, but was opposed on this by the chairman of the organisation Roger Wallace who were 'strongly against any speed limit' and described Montagu as a 'traitor'. The secretary of the club publicly proposed a 'compromise' of 25 mph without authorisation. Parliamentary debates were described as 'bitter'.

Sections of the Act

  • Section 1 introduced the crime of reckless driving, and imposed penalties.
  • Section 2 introduced the mandatory vehicle registration of all motor cars with the county council or county borough council in which the driver was resident. The council was to issue a unique number to each car, and prescribe the manner in which it was to be displayed on the vehicle. The Act also made it an offence to drive a motor car on a public road without displaying its registration number.
  • Section 3 made it compulsory for drivers of motor cars to have a driving licence. No test was required. However, a licence was given by the council on the payment of five shillings. The qualifying age for a car licence was 17 years and for a motor cycle 14 years.
  • The speed limit on public highway was raised to 20 mph from 14 mph which had been set by the Locomotives on Highways Act 1896.
  • Section 9 allowed for lower speed limits to be implemented after a local inquiry.
  • Regulations were introduced regarding the braking ability of vehicles.
  • Legacy

    The Act was intended to last for only three years but was extended by the Expiring Laws Continuance Act 1900 until a new bill was seriously discussed in 1929 and enacted. Both the Locomotives on Highways Act 1896 and the Motor Car Act 1903 were repealed by the Road Traffic Act 1930.

    A Royal Commission on Motorcars was established in 1905 which reported in 1907 and recommended that motorcars should be taxed, that the speed limit should be abolished (by a majority vote only) and raised concern about the manner in which speed traps were being used to raise revenue in rural areas rather than being used to protect lives in towns. Amendments were discussed in 1905, 1911, 1913 1914 under the titles Motor Car Act (1903) Amendment bill and Motor Car Act (1903) Amendment (No 2) bill.


    Motor Car Act 1903 Wikipedia

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