Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Moreeb Dune

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Moreeb Dune Moreeb Dune Liwa Oasis United Arab Emirates Top Tips Before You

Hillclimb sandrace moreeb dune liwa 2015

In the United Arab Emirates, Moreeb dunes (Al Moreb Hill) is a place for organised drag races. With a reported 50 degree slipface, and height of 300 metres, it is a perfect place for sand drags. Moreeb Hill is supposedly the tallest dune in the UAE, and one of the largest hill climbs in the world.


Moreeb Dune Tal Mireb Moreeb Dune Picture of Moreeb Dune Liwa Oasis

Moreeb Dune is one of the highest sand hills in the world. Its altitude is about 300 metres with slope of 50 degrees. The dune is 1600 meters long. Because of its steep slopes it has been given this name (Moreeb Dune - Scary Mountain).

Moreeb Dune Moreeb dune and visitor facilities photo Tal Mireb Liwa oasis

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Moreeb Dune Moreeb dune photo Tal Mireb Liwa oasis United Arab Emirates

Moreeb Dune is located in the United Arab Emirates, 25 km south of Liwa Oasis. The total distance from Abu Dhabi to Moreeb Dune is about 250 km.

Moreeb Dune Salt Lake on way to Moreeb Picture of Moreeb Dune Liwa Oasis

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Moreeb Dune Tackling Tal Moreeb The World39s Tallest Sand Dune Out amp About UAE


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