I enjoy creating and spreading knowledgeable content for everyone around the world and try my best not to leave even the smallest of mistakes go unnoticed.
Born in Bucharest, he graduated from the University of Bucharest's Faculty of Letters, Department of Romanian Language And Literature, in 1980. Between 1980 and 1989 he worked as a Romanian language teacher, and then he worked at the Writers Union and as an editor at the Caiete Critice magazine. In 1991 he became a lecturer at the Chair of Romanian Literary History, part of the University of Bucharest Faculty of Letters. As of 2010, he is an associate professor. Between 1994–1995 he was a visiting lecturer at the University of Amsterdam.
His debut as a writer was in 1978 in România Literară magazine.
Poeme de amor ("Love Poems"), Cartea Românească, 1982.
Totul ("Everything"), Cartea Românească, 1984.
Levantul (The Levant), Cartea Românească, 1990 – Writers Union Prize, 1990, republished by Humanitas in 1998.
Dragostea ("Love"), Humanitas, 1994.
50 de sonete de Mircea Cărtărescu cu cincizeci de desene de Tudor Jebeleanu ("50 Sonnets by Mircea Cărtărescu With Fifty Drawings by Tudor Jebeleanu"), Brumar, 2003
1999 Orbitor's French translation nominee for Prix Union Latine
2000 Romanian Writers Association Prize
2002 ASPRO Prize, AER Prize
2006 Grand Officer of the Cultural Merit Order (Ordinul "Meritul cultural" în grad de mare ofiţer), awarded by Romanian Presidency
2011 Vilenica Prize
2012: International literatur prize „Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2012”, Berlin
2013: Spycher – Literary Prize Leuk, Switzerland
2013: Grand Prix of the Novi Sad International Poetry Festival
2014 Best Translated Book Award, shortlisted for Blinding, translated from the Romanian into English by Sean Cotter
2014 Premio Euskadi de Plata to the Best Book of 2014 for Las Bellas Extranjeras (Frumoasele străine), translated from the Romanian into Spanish by Marian Ochoa de Eribe (Editorial Impedimenta)
2015 Leipzig Book Award for European Understanding for Blinding
Testament – Anthology of Modern Romanian Verse (1850–2015) second edition – bilingual version English/Romanian. Daniel Ionita – editor and principal translator, with Eva Foster, Daniel Reynaud and Rochelle Bews. Minerva Publishing House. Bucharest 2015. ISBN 978-973-21-1006-5