Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Ministry of Finance (Sweden)

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Ministry of Finance (Sweden)

Ministers responsible
Magdalena Andersson Per Bolund Ardalan Shekarabi


The Ministry of Finance (Swedish: Finansdepartementet) is a Swedish government ministry responsible for matters relating to economic policy, the central government budget, taxes, banking, security and insurance, international economic work, central, regional and local government.


The ministry has a staff of 490, of whom only 20 are political appointees. The political executive is made up of three ministers: the Minister for Finance - currently Magdalena Andersson (s), the Minister for Financial Markets - currently Per Bolund (mp) and the Minister for Public Administration - currently Ardalan Shekarabi (s).

The ministry offices are located at Drottninggatan 21 in central Stockholm.

Government agencies

The Ministry of Finance is principal for the following government agencies:

Economic Affairs Department

  • Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency, or Kammarkollegiet. (Official site)
  • Swedish National Institute of Economic Research, or Konjunkturinstitutet. (Official site)
  • Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, or Finanspolitiska rådet. (Official site)
  • Budget Department

  • Swedish National Financial Management Authority, or Ekonomistyrningsverket (ESV). (Official site)
  • Fiscal Affairs Department

  • Swedish National Tax Board, or Skatteverket. (Official site)
  • Swedish Enforcement Administration, or Kronofogdemyndigheten. (Official site)
  • Swedish Customs Service, or Tullverket. (Official site)
  • Swedish National Accounting Standards Board, or Bokföringsnämnden. (Official site)
  • Financial Institutions and Markets Department

  • Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, or Finansinspektionen (FI). (Official site)
  • Swedish National Debt Office, or Riksgäldskontoret. (Official site)
  • Swedish National Deposit Guarantee Board, or Insättningsgarantinämnden (IGN). (Official site)
  • Swedish Pensions Agency, or Pensionsmyndigheten. (Official site)
  • Swedish National Pension Insurance Funds
  • Första AP-fonden - The First Public Pension Fund
  • Andra AP-fonden - The Second Public Pension Fund
  • Tredje AP-fonden - The Third Public Pension Fund
  • Fjärde AP-fonden - The Fourth Public Pension Fund
  • Sjunde AP-fonden - The Seventh Public Pension Fund
  • Housing Division

  • Swedish National Housing Credit Guarantee Board, or Statens bostadskreditnämnd (BKN). (Official site)
  • Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, or Boverket. (Official site)
  • County Administrative Division

  • County Administrative Boards of Sweden, or Länsstyrelserna. (Official site)
  • Commercially-operated Government Owned Companies

  • Apoteket (Official site) Nationwide pharmacy and former monopoly.
  • Bilprovningen (Official site) Former national monopoly for vehicle inspections.
  • Others

  • Statistics Sweden or Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB). (Official site)
  • National Property Board of Sweden, or Statens fastighetsverk (SFV). (Official site)
  • Swedish National Fortifications Administration, or Fortifikationsverket (FortF). (Official site)
  • Areas of responsibility

  • Financial markets
  • Central government budget
  • International cooperation
  • Local authorities
  • Taxes
  • References

    Ministry of Finance (Sweden) Wikipedia

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