Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Mine Storm

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Initial release date
November 1982


Mine Storm wwwgamesdatabaseorgMediaSYSTEMGCEVectrexBox

General Consumer Electric, GCE

Milton Bradley Company, GCE

General Consumer Electric games, Shoot 'em up games

Classic game room hd mine storm for vectrex review

Mine Storm is a game similar to Atari's 1979 Asteroids arcade game, published in 1982 by General Consumer Electronics as the built-in game for the Vectrex system.


Mine Storm Retro Asylum Mine Storm Review MB Vectrex Swainy Retro Asylum

Mine storm vectrex gameplay with overlay


Mine Storm MineStorm Wikipdia

Developed by General Consumer Electronics, Vectrex's manufacturer, it was built into the game system. The gameplay is very similar to that of Atari's Asteroids. The game begins with a large enemy ship dropping mines onto the field as an ominous jingle plays, and moves from the top to the bottom of the screen, where it disappears. The player's ship starts in the middle of the field with 5 lives. Numerous mines then start popping up. The player must destroy all of the mines in order to progress to the next minefield. All of the mines can be destroyed with one shot, or hit with the player's ship, costing the player a life. There are 4 types of mines.


Mine Storm Vectrex Mine Storm YouTube

The original game that came packaged with the Vectrex system included a bug causing the game to crash on the thirteenth level. If a player called GCE (Milton Bradley in the UK) and reported this bug, they would receive "MineStorm/II", free of charge. Only a few people did this, making the game extremely rare among collectors.


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MineStorm was reviewed by Video magazine in its "Arcade Alley" column where it was described as "a fast-moving contest, more than slightly similar to Asteroids".

Mine Storm Classic Game Room HD MINE STORM for Vectrex review YouTube

Mine Storm Vectrex Mine Storm YouTube


Mine Storm Wikipedia

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