Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Michael Reid (evangelist)

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Michael Reid


Michael Reid (evangelist) httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

The life of bishop michael reid part one

Michael Reid (born 1944) was a Christian evangelist in Essex, England and founder of Peniel Pentecostal Church (aka Michael Reid Ministries). He resigned from the role of pastor at Peniel Church in April 2008 after admitting to an extra-marital sexual relationship.



Along with his wife, Rev. Ruth Reid, he travelled globally and claims to have witnessed miraculous healings through his ministry, although a 1999 investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority was unable to substantiate the claims.

He is the author and co-author of several books and a founder member of the Christian Congress for Traditional Values (CCTV) to monitor challenges to family life and traditional belief in the UK. He was also a leading figure in the organisation's campaign challenging the BBC over its decision to screen Jerry Springer - The Opera on television.

In April 2008, Reid admitted to an extramarital sexual relationship and resigned from the leadership of Peniel Pentecostal Church, stating that "It is with great sorrow and regret that I have resigned from the church board and have stepped down from official duties. I confess that I have sinned by committing adultery. I recognize that I have failed in my duties and acted in a way that harmed the Church. I take full responsibility for my actions and so I resigned. I apologize to my wife and family and all of you whose trust I have betrayed and ask for your forgiveness and prayers."


Michael Reid (evangelist) Wikipedia

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