Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Michael Corbett (judge)

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Preceded by
Pieter Jacobus Rabie

Michael Corbett

Succeeded by
Ismail Mahomed


South African


14 September 1923 (

Peter Andrew Flick Margie

Alma mater
Trinity Hall, Cambridge

September 16, 2007, Cape Town, South Africa

Trinity Hall, Cambridge

Michael McGregor Corbett (14 September 1923 – 16 September 2007) was a former Chief Justice of South Africa (1989–1996). He served in World War II before going to Trinity Hall, Cambridge to read Law in 1946.


Early years

Michael Corbett was born in Pretoria. His father, Alan Frederick Corbett was born in Worcester, England in 1878. and served as the Commissioner for Inland Revenue. He completed his schooling at Rondebosch Boys' High School in Cape Town before serving in World War II. Prior to the war, he enrolled at the University of Cape Town and obtained a BA in 1941. After his active service during the wad, he returned and obtained a LL B, After graduating, he was awarded the Elsie Ballot Scholarship and gained entry to study Law at Trinity College, Cambridge. He later obtained a first class LL B in 1948.

Corbett began his legal career when he read in the chambers of Marius Diemont for about six weeks before commencing practice. He made rapid progress, taking silk in 1961. In 1963, he was appointed to the bench of the Cape Provincial Division and made Judge of Appeal in 1974. During this time, he make huge contribution to the South African legal system by co-authoring the standard textbook on the law of succession. He was appointed chief justice in 1989 and served with great distinction. As Chief Justice of South Africa, he delivered the opening speech at the inaugural session of Codesa in December 1991 that began the negotiations for a new constitutional order for all South Africans.


Although reaching the statutory retirement age of 70 in 1993, his term of office was twice extended. He finally retired in June 1996. He was a chairman of the Rondebosch Boys Schools Education Trust.


On Corbett's retirement with a state banquet in 1996, former President of South African Nelson Mandela stated that:

β€˜His contribution is not easily encompassed. He has achieved distinction as legal scholar, as writer, as advocate and as a judicial officer. Throughout his career a passion for justice and a sensitivity to racial discrimination were combined with intellectual rigour and clarity of thought.’

Five honorary degrees of Doctor of Laws (LLD) have been bestowed upon him:

  1. University of Cape Town in 1982
  2. University of the Orange Free State in 1990
  3. Rhodes University in 1990
  4. University of Pretoria in 1993
  5. University of the Witwatersrand in 1994


Michael Corbett was the son of Alan Corbett and Sybil McGregor. His father had been an Inner Temple barrister, who for many years was Commissioner for Inland Revenue of the Union. His mother was the daughter of Alexander John McGregor, a judge in the Union of South Africa, and Elizabeth Brand (daughter of Jan Brand, President of the Orange Free State).


Michael Corbett (judge) Wikipedia

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