Puneet Varma (Editor)

Marvel Legends

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Marvel Legends is an action figure line based on the characters of Marvel Comics, initially produced by Toy Biz, then by Hasbro. This line is in the 6-inch (150 mm) scale, with spin-off lines in the 4-inch (100 mm), 8-inch (200 mm), and 12-inch (300 mm) scale.



The Marvel Legends line initially begun as a spin-off of the Spider-Man Classics line, which were also produced by Toy Biz.
At its inception in 2002, the Marvel Legends line copied the clamshell packaging and the included comic book that had shipped with the Spider-Man Classics line.
The first Marvel Legends series included representations of the Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, and Toad.
Beginning January 1, 2007, Hasbro became the new license holder to the rights to produce toys and games based upon the Marvel Universe. The new Hasbro packaging did not include a comic book and the new molds eliminated finger joints, which were a mainstay during the Toy Biz era, the company did continued with the theme of Build-A-Figure pieces however.
During the late noughties, production on the Marvel Legends line slowed down to the point where it was rumored that it may be cancelled, but Hasbro revealed (at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con) that due to fan requests and the upcoming movies based on Marvel characters, the line would be making a comeback in 2012, and in January 2012, Marvel Legends returned to store shelves.
At the 2013 San Diego Comic Con, Hasbro announced that Marvel Legends would be given a new start as the Marvel Legends Infinite Series.

Chase/Variant Figures

Initially, the Marvel Legends line has used the "chase" concept to introduce figures based on less popular or recognizable characters. These got their nickname by being shipped in fewer quantities than the rest of the figures, thus causing collectors to chase after them.
Eventually, rather than entirely new figures, the chase concept evolved into variants (such as an alternate head or a different colour scheme) of a figure released in that same series. These figures retained being sought-after by collectors.


In 2005, Toy Biz introduced the "Build-A-Figure" (referred to as a "BAF" in the collector community) to the Marvel Legends line, starting with series 9. Each figure in the series was packaged with a piece of a larger figure—in the initial case, a 16-inch (410 mm) tall figure of Galactus. A consumer who bought each figure in the assortment would then have all the complete components to assemble a character unavailable in individual packaging.

This concept was employed in the tenth Toy Biz series, where each figure was packaged with a piece of a mutant-hunting robot known as a Sentinel. Additional BAFs would include Apocalypse, Onslaught, Giant-Man, Mojo, MODOK (From Toy Biz), Annihilus, Blob, Brood Queen, Red Hulk, Sandman (Spider-Man Trilogy Limited Edition), Ronan the Accuser (Fantastic Four Limited Edition), Fin Fang Foom (Hulk Limited Edition), Ares, and Nemesis (From Hasbro).

With the release of the Giant-Man BAF, Toy Biz packaged smaller parts with each character, requiring 10 figures to be purchased to create the BAF (including one of the variant figures).

Starting with the Onslaught BAF and continuing with the Mojo and MODOK BAFs, Toy Biz returned to the six-piece formula. Hasbro continued the six-piece formula with the Annihilus BAF in its first series, and temporarily moved to an eight-piece formula with the Blob BAF in its second series, but switched back to the six figure format in series 4.

Series 1 (2002)

Marvel Legends Series No. 1 consisted of six figures and featured four Marvel characters: Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, and Toad. Iron Man had a gold variant, while the Hulk had a straight fingers variant.

NOTE: Each of the figures also contains either a comic or a poster foil.

Series 2 (2002)

Marvel Legends Series No. 2 consisted of six figures and featured five Marvel characters: Dr. Doom, Doombot, Namor, Thing, and Human Torch. The Thing had a trenchcoat variant.

NOTE: The Human Torch action figure was produced in two versions (not considered as variants of each other, but rather as a late design change): one with a 4 on the chest and one without it.

Series 3 (2002)

Marvel Legends Series No. 3 consisted of six figures and featured five Marvel characters: Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Magneto, Thor, and Wolverine. The sixth action figure is an unmasked variant of Wolverine.

Series 4 (2003)

Marvel Legends Series No. 4 consisted of six figures and featured five Marvel characters: Beast, Elektra, Gambit, Goliath (Henry Pym,) and The Punisher. The sixth figure is a variant of The Punisher

Series 5 (2003)

Marvel Legends Series No. 5 consisted of seven figures and featured seven Marvel characters: Blade, Colossus, Mr Fantastic, Nick Fury, Red Skull, Sabretooth, and Silver Surfer.

NOTE: Blade was originally shipped with Tomb of Dracula (1972) #45, but this was recalled, and replaced with a poster book of the Blade II movie

Series 6 (2004)

Marvel Legends Series No. 6 consisted of nine figures and featured six Marvel characters. Three of the nine figures were variants of Cable, Phoenix, and Wolverine.

Series 7 (2004)

Marvel Legends Series No. 7 consisted of ten figures featuring seven Marvel characters. Three of the ten figures were variants of Hawkeye, Vision, and Ghost Rider, and one was a re-release.

Series 8 (2005)

Marvel Legends Series No. 8 consisted of eleven figures featuring eight Marvel characters. Three of the eleven figures are variants of Black Widow, Captain America, and Storm.

NOTE: The early shipments of ML8 had a paint error on the Captain America figures. The Ultimate Captain America was supposed to have grey paint on his pants, while the Classic Captain America was not. When the toys were first released, these paint apps were reversed. A running change later corrected the error.

Galactus BAF Series (2005)

This line introduced the build-a-figure (BAF) concept, which became a regular feature of the Legends line from this point onwards.
This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of nine figures, each of which is paired with one of the seven parts needed to build a Galactus.
Two of the nine action figures were variants of the Hulk and Bullseye. The variants were packaged with the same Galactus parts as their regular versions.

Sentinel BAF Series (2005)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of nine figures, each of which is paired with one of the six parts needed to build a Sentinel.
Mystique and Omega Red were packaged with the same BAF piece and the two variants (Cyclops and Angel) were packaged with the same Sentinel parts as their regular versions.

Legendary Rider Series (2005)

Marvel Legends Series No. 11 consisted of ten figures featuring eight Marvel characters.
Two of the ten figures were chase variants of Wolverine and Wonder Man.

NOTE: This line would do away with the Build-A-Figure concept temporarily, instead packaging the figures with a vehicular accessory.

Apocalypse BAF Series (2005)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of eleven figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build Apocalypse.
Five of the eleven figures were chase variants of Bishop, Iron Fist, Wolverine, X-23 and Sasquatch. The variants were packaged with the same Apocalypse parts as their regular versions.

NOTE: Some Maestro figures were packaged without the hose for connecting the left arm to the Apocalypse torso piece.

Onslaught BAF Series (2006)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of nine figures, each of which is paired with one of the six parts needed to build Onslaught.
Three of the nine figures were variants of Abomination, Green Goblin and Loki. The chase variants are packaged with the same Onslaught parts as their regular versions.

Mojo BAF Series (2006)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of nine figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build Mojo.
Three of the nine figures were variants of Baron Zemo, Falcon, and Iron Man. The chase variants were packaged with the same Mojo parts as their regular versions.

M.O.D.O.K. BAF Series (2006)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of eleven figures, each of which is paired with one of the 6 parts needed to build Modok.
Five of the eleven figures were variants of Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Moon Knight, Iron Man and Wasp. The variants were packaged with the same Modok parts as their regular versions.

Face-Off Two-Packs

Each Face-Off set included two six-inch scale figures, a base (with a background,) and a reprinted comic.

Fantastic Four (2004)

NOTE: The translucent variants of both Human Torch and Invisible Woman were available in a stand-alone variant gift set.

Young Avengers (2006)

NOTE: All figures were exclusive to this gift pack, and each had a display stand.

Monsters (2006)

NOTE: All figures were exclusive to this gift pack, and each had a display stand.

House of M (2006)

NOTE: All figures were exclusive to this gift pack, and each had a display stand.

Giant Man BAF Series (2006)

This Marvel Legends BAF series, which built the largest Build-A-Figure of the entire line, consisted of eleven figures, each of which is paired with one of the ten parts needed to build Giant-Man.
Two of the eleven figures were variants of the Wolverine and Sentry.

Hasbro Produced

After Hasbro gained the rights to produce Marvel toys, the company continued with the theme of Build-A-Figure pieces. Also, Hasbro's new molds eliminated finger joints, a mainstay of the Toy Biz era, and the comic book pack-ins.

Annihilus BAF Series (2007)

This Marvel Legends Annihilus BAF series consisted of six figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build Annihilus.
This series is also known as the Marvel Legends Series 16 or the Hasbro Marvel Legends Series 1 (since this is the first Marvel Legends series produced by Hasbro after gaining the rights from ToyBiz).

NOTE: Planet Hulk originally shipped with an erroneous silver left arm, but this was later updated to the correct green one.

Blob BAF Series (2007)

This Marvel Legends Blob BAF series consisted of eleven figures, each of which was paired with one of the eight parts needed to build Blob.
Three of the eleven figures were variants of Yellow Jacket, Quicksilver, and Jean Grey. This series is also known as the Marvel Legends Series 17 or the Hasbro Marvel Legends Series 2.

Brood Queen BAF Series (2007)

This Marvel Legends Brood Queen BAF series consisted of eight figures, each of which was paired with one of the eight parts needed to build the Brood Queen.
This series is also known as the Marvel Legends Series 18 or the Hasbro Marvel Legends Series 3.

NOTE: Marvel Girl also had 500 package variants, which had the figure facing inside the package and her back facing outside showing the phoenix tattoo on her back

Ronan the Accuser BAF Series (2007)

This Marvel Legends Fantastic Four BAF series consisted of eight figures, each of which is paired with one of the eight parts needed to build Ronan the Accuser.

Sandman BAF Series (2007)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of eight figures, each of which is paired with one of the eight parts needed to build Sandman.
This series is often referred to as The Spiderman Trilogy, as all the figures were based on the Spider-Man movies released between 2002-2007.

Fin Fang Foom BAF Series (2008)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of eight figures, each of which was paired with one of the eight parts needed to build Fin Fang Foom.
This series, also known as the Hulk Series 1 and 2, shipped as two lines simultaneously.

NOTE: Some Wendigo figures had manufacturing errors where the Fin Fang Foom arm was missing from the package.

Terrax BAF Series (2012)

All the figures in this wave, except for Thor, came with a "Build-A-Figure" piece to make a Terrax figure (His axe was included as an accessory).
The first Marvel Legends figure to be released in the new relaunched line was technically the 2011 SDCC exclusive Heroic Age Thor.

Arnim Zola BAF Series (2012)

The second wave of the revitalized line featured seven basic figures. All the figures came with a BAF element that allowed collectors to piece together a Arnim Zola figure.
The series also had a running change of three figures, Piledriver, Madame Hydra, and Spider-Man (Future Foundation version,) which allowed for a Red Skull variant of Arnim Zola.

Epic Heroes (2013)

This is the second series that does not include BAF pieces since figures began to ship with Build-A-Figures pieces (the first one being the Legendary Rider Series from Toy Biz in 2005). Instead, each figure came with a display base, just like in the early series of Marvel Legends, though these bases included much less detail and all were the same.

NOTE:The running change of figures, which were meant to include Danielle Moonstar and Blade as well as the variant versions of Dr. Doom and Deadpool never materialised.

Iron Monger BAF Series (2013)

Released to coincide with the Iron Man 3 film, this series includes Iron Man-related characters. It was split into two waves, each including three figures and three pieces of a comic-style Iron Monger Build-A-Figure. The second three figures were released later that year.

Hit-Monkey BAF Series (2013)

This series introduced the "Mini" Build-A-Figure concept, starting with Hit-Monkey.
As a change from previous series, only three of the six figures contained a Build-A-Figure piece.

NOTE: There were supposed to be variants for four of these figures: Archangel in his X-Force costume and chase figures of Sentry, Lyra and Iron Fist replacing Hyperion, Red She-Hulk and Protector respectively, but none materialised.

Rocket Raccoon BAF Series (2013)

This series included one of the most requested X-Men figures, Jean Grey in her Jim Lee style outfit. it also began to introduce characters from the Guardians of the Galaxy movie with a BAF of Rocket Raccoon.
This series was initially unveiled with several variants including White Phoenix Jean Grey, AoA Jean Grey, classic Hawkeye, and Bulldozer, but these figures did not ship. Some cases were shipped with an Ultimate Captain America from the Hit-Monkey series and also a Punisher variant (red chested Thunderbolts version) with Epic Heroes packaging.

NOTE: Moonstone was also shown (at San Diego Comic Con 2012) as part of this wave, but never materialised. It was later released in the SDCC 2013 Exclusive Thunderbolts Boxset.

Marvel Legends Infinite Series

Hasbro rebranded the line as Marvel Legends Infinite Series with a new packaging design. The blister card was replaced by a box with a peggable "J" hook at the top.

Mandroid BAF Series (2014)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of nine figures, eight of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build Mandroid.
Red Skull and Hydra Soldier, and Baron Zemo and AIM Soldier were packaged with the same Mandroid parts.
This series was released to coincide with the Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie.

Ultimate Green Goblin BAF Series (2014)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of nine figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build Ultimate Green Goblin.
Carnage and Toxin, Black Cat and Spider-Girl, and Ultimate Beetle and Boomerang were packaged with the same Ultimate Green Goblin pieces.
This series was released to coincide with the The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie.

Groot BAF Series (2014)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of six figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build a Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) version of Groot.
This series was released to coincide with the The Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

Allfather BAF Series (2015)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of seven figures, five of which were paired with one of the five parts needed to build Odin.
Machine Man and Captain Marvel have different Build-A-Figure pieces to turn Odin into King Thor.

Hobgoblin BAF Series (2015)

This BAF series consisted of six figures, each of which is paired with one of the six parts needed to build Hobgoblin (Phil Urich).
Spider-Girl and Spider-Woman were packaged with the same Hobgoblin pieces.

Thanos BAF Series (2015)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of six figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build Thanos.

Hulkbuster BAF Series (2015)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of seven figures, each of which was paired with one of the seven parts needed to build a Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) version of the Hulkbuster.

Ultron Prime BAF Series (2015)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of six figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build a Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) version of Ultron.

Rhino BAF Series (2015)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of seven figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build Rhino.
Misty Knight and White Tiger were packaged with the same Rhino pieces.

Absorbing Man BAF Series (2016)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of seven figures, each of which was paired with one of the seven parts needed to build Absorbing Man.

Red Onslaught BAF Series (2016)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of seven figures, each of which was paired with one of the seven parts needed to build Red Onslaught.

Giant Man BAF Series (2016)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of six figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build a Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) version of Giant Man.

Space Venom BAF Series (2016)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of six figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build Space Venom.

Abomination BAF Series (2016)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of six figures, each of which was paired with one of the six parts needed to build Abomination.

Juggernaut BAF Series (2016)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of eight figures, seven of which was paired with one of the seven parts needed to build Juggernaut.

Dormammu BAF Series (2016)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of eight figures, each of which was paired with one of the eight parts needed to build Dormammu.
This series was released to coincide with the Doctor Strange movie.

NOTE: The Dormammu Build-A-Figure is a repaint of the earlier Dormammu figure from the Book of Vishanti San Diego Comic-Con box set.

Titus BAF Series (February 2017)

This series is based around Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

Spider-Man Wave 2 (Vulture) (May/June 2017)

This series is based around the Spider-Man Homecoming movie. The Build-A-Figure parts will consist of pieces of wings to form a giant pair of wings for the seventh member of this line, the Homecoming Vulture figure. This is the first time Marvel Legends has made a BAF that is focused on building an accessory for another figure included in the wave.

Twin Packs Series 1 (2008)

Following in the footsteps of Toy Biz's Face Off sets, Hasbro's first twin pack series paired Elektra with Ronin, Mr Fantastic with Thing, Ultimate Nick Fury with Ultimate Captain America, and Wolverine with Forge. There was also an Skrull Elektra with Ronin variant.

Twin Packs Series 2 (2009)

Following up on the twin packs from the previous year, this series offered Hand Ninja with Nick Fury, Invisible Woman with Human Torch, Maria Hill with Iron Man, Sharon Carter with Iron Man (Stealth Armour,) and Skrull Soldier and Kree Soldier. There was also an Hand Ninja with Dum Dum Dugan variant.

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

A Three-pack featuring battle damaged versions of Captain America and Iron Man, along with the first MCU Spider-Man figure.
The Captain America and Iron Man figures were slight repaints and retools of the previous Giant-Man wave figures, while the Spider-Man was a brand new figure exclusive to the box set.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Four-Pack (2015)

This four-pack includes Avengers: Age of Ultron movie versions of Thor, Doctor Banner, Hawkeye and Black Widow.

Puck BAF Series (2013)

This Diamond Exclusive series, released to coincide with The Wolverine film, includes only X-Men-related characters, and features a BAF Puck.
The line up includes modern versions of Wolverine, Cyclops, Emma Frost and Sabretooth. Also planned, though not released were an alternate version of Cyclops in his Phoenix Force outfit and a modern version of Rogue as an alternative figure to Emma Frost.

Guardians of the Galaxy Box Set (2015)

This box measured 15-inches tall x 13-inches long x 3-inches wide, and contained the first-ever comic book version of Groot

AoA Sunfire (2008)

Hasbro has a long tradition of doing "Fans' Choice" figures for their Star Wars license, but this is their first shot for Marvel Legends. In a poll run through ToyFare magazine, fans could pick which of eight Marvel characters they'd want to see as an exclusive, and Sunfire beat out such luminaries as Silver Samurai and Gambit.
The figure is packaged on a unique blister card with a fiery backdrop and a large cardboard wrap around the bottom.

Best of Marvel Legends (2016)

This is a re-release of previous available figures and was exclusive to the UK and Australia. It incorporated a repainted Hulkbuster as the Build-A-Figure.

Age of Ultron (2013)

This Exclusive gold Age of Ultron figure was free with the purchase of a new Marvel Unlimited Plus digital comics subscription at Marvel.com. The subscription came with the figure, variant edition #10 Age of Ultron comic with cover art by Salvador Larroca, a personalized Plus Member card, welcome letter and custom collectible comic box.

Rocket Raccoon (2014)

This Exclusive Rocket Raccoon figure was free with the purchase of a new Marvel Annual Unlimited Plus digital comics subscription at Marvel.com. The subscription came with the figure, limited edition Rocket Raccoon #1 variant comic book with cover art by Sara Pichelli, a personalized member plus card and savings at Marvel.com.

Rescue (Pepper Potts) (2016)

This Exclusive Rescue figure was free with the purchase of a new Marvel Annual Unlimited Plus digital comics subscription at Marvel.com.

Captain Marvel (2017)

This Marvel Unlimited Captain Marvel figure is a repaint of the 2015 Carol Danvers six-inch figure in her grey/silver and blue costume from the "Time Runs Out" storyline.

Heroic Age Thor (2011)

The first Marvel Legends figure to be released in the new relaunched line.
It was released in special Mjölnir shaped package and featured the character with a paint deco that makes him look as if he is about to wield the power of lightening.

The Thanos Imperative Box Set (2014)

This special edition collection features five exclusive Marvel Legends figures: Black Bolt, Medusa, Star-Lord, Gladiator and Blastaar.
The set comes in a special-edition package designed to look like the Galactus Engine, the ultimate weapon from The Thanos Imperative.

Ant-Man Box Set (2015)

Featuring five iterations of Ant-Man from throughout his long Marvel history, this special edition package features figures that depict the stages in which Ant-Man "shrinks" in size (and increase in power?!)
The figures come in special packaging designed to look like Ant-Man's helmet – complete with swivel antennae.

The Book of Vishanti (2015)

The Book of Vishanti set contains five figures with their respective accessories and the Eye of Agamotto replica prop. The leatherette 16" x 14" x 3" exterior opens into five pages of artwork which covers red velveteen inlay housing the figures.

The Raft Box Set (2016)

This box set was done in a special window box style packaging that gave off the illusion of the villainous characters being imprisoned in high-tech cells.

Movie Hulk (2008)

This Hulk figure uses the body of the series 1 Hulk with a new head sculpt, which is meant to look more like the Hulk in the 2008 movie, The Incredible Hulk.

Red Hulk Series (2008)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of seven figures, each of which is paired with one of the six parts needed to build Red Hulk.

Infinite Three-Pack (2014)

This three-pack was first shown at SDCC 2014 and includes a new Ms.Marvel sculpt, Ultimate Captain America (with alternate Steve Rogers head) and Radioactive Man.

Infinite Three-Pack (2015)

This three-pack includes Doc Green, Ultron, and Vision.

Marvel Legends Two-Pack (2016)

The two-pack featured War Machine and Iron Man.

Original X-Men (2014)

Based on Brian Michael Bendis' All-New X-Men comic series, the set includes five six-inch figures: Cyclops, Beast, Angel, Iceman and Jean Grey in their original X-Men costumes.

Infinite X-Men Series (2014)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of five figures, four of which was paired with one of the four parts needed to build Jubilee.
This wave was released to Toys R Us with poor distribution, it was then supposed to ship to comic shops a few weeks later, but before that could happen Hasbro announced to Diamond that it had sold out of the assortment, making this, ultimately, an exclusive Toys R Us collection.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Three-Pack (2015)

This set was unveiled at SDCC 2014 and includes Maria Hill, Nick Fury and Agent Phil Coulson.

Avengers Three-Pack (2016)

This set was first shown at New York Toy Fair 2016 and includes Kate Bishop (Hawkeye,) Sam Wilson (Captain America,) and The All-New Vision. All three figures in this set are based on the modern Marvel comic books.

A-Force Six-Pack (2017)

Shown at Toy Fair 2017, this set will come out in the fall. The all-women team is the first of it's kind, and will feature

Agent Venom (2014)

The Marvel Legends Agent Venom was officially the first-ever Walgreens exclusive Marvel action figure.

Ares BAF Series (2008)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consists of eight figures, each of which is paired with one of the eight parts needed to build Ares.

Nemesis BAF Series (2009)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of six figures, each of which is paired with one of the six parts needed to build Age of Apocalypse, Nemesis (aka Holocaust).


A Marvel Legends Flatman "figure" was included as a joke cut-out in the GLX-Mas Special (2005). It featured "infinite" points of articulation and three action phrases (to be said with one's own voice).

Bring On The Bad Guys

In October 2005, pre-production promotional material for Series 13, Bring on the Bad Guys, (which was later released as the six figured Onslaught BAF series) was leaked to the Internet. This promotional material depicted a seventh figure, Crimson Dynamo, and also advertised that each figure in the series would come with a supplementary Henchman generic figure.

NOTE:Simailar pre-production rumors surfaced regarding the possibility of a "Build-a-Vehicle" Quinjet, but this too was ultimately scrapped.


Non-articulated, one-inch X-Babies pack-ins, a Thunder Frog (Thor turned into a frog by Loki), and Forbush Man (Marvel's unofficial mascot, a character from the Not Brand Echh! humor book) were displayed alongside the henchmen prototypes at the Comic-Con International in July 2006. The X-Babies were originally planned for release in Wave 14, alongside the Mojo BAF.

  • Colossusus (Colossus)
  • Creepy Crawler (Nightcrawler)
  • Shadowkitty (Shadowcat)
  • Shower (Storm)
  • Shugah (Rogue)
  • Wolvie (Wolverine)
  • Mitey 'Vengers

  • Captain Amerikid (Captain America)
  • Hawkey (Hawkeye)
  • Iron Ace (Iron Man)
  • Thunderson (Thor)
  • ToyFare Fan Poll

    Hasbro, along with ToyFare magazine, held a poll for which figure would be released as an exclusive on HasbroToyShop.com. Although Age of Apocalypse Sunfire won, it was stated that the other unreleased prototypes would find their way into future wave assortments (either as single carded figures or in two packs). The other prototypes included:

  • 1st Appearance Storm
  • Aurora
  • Gambit (Yellow and Blue Jim Lee X-Men costume)
  • Lilandra
  • Magneto
  • Northstar
  • Silver Samurai
  • SDCC 2009

    On SDCC 2009 Preview Night, Hasbro exhibited prototypes for upcoming characters in the toy line. Based on the results of a fan poll, the top three choices (Black Widow, Deadpool, and Valkyrie) were scheduled for release. In addition, three other figures (The Hulk, Winter Soldier, and Warpath) were eventually released as well. The other prototypes included:

  • Bi-Beast
  • Brother Voodoo
  • Classic Ms. Marvel
  • Hood
  • Lady Bullseye
  • Modern Havok
  • Multiple Man
  • Nuke
  • Spider-Man as The Amazing Bag-Man
  • Terror
  • White Phoenix
  • Later Released Prototypes:

  • Constrictor (later launched in 2012 Marvel Legends first wave)
  • Fantomex (later launched in 2012 Marvel Legends second wave)
  • X-Force Wolverine (later launched in 2012 SDCC Exclusive X-Force 3-Pack)
  • Toy Biz had several lines of toys which are related to Marvel Legends in that the toys are Marvel characters, often exhibit comparable articulation, and are similar in scale. With the exception of Spider-Man Classics, which actually pre-date Marvel Legends, these lines do not include comic books and do not ship in the same clamshell packaging. The figures in these related lines also usually include some sort of "action feature," sometimes limiting their articulation and ostensibly intended to make the toys more appealing to children.

    Several popular characters (usually villains) that have not appeared under the Marvel Legends brand have made appearances in these lines, and thus are usually the most desired among collectors. These include most of Spider-Man's rogues gallery, as well as some of the Hulk's, Fantastic Four's and X-Men's.

  • Fantastic Four Classics (two series, canceled)
  • Hulk Classics (two series, canceled)
  • Spider-Man Classics (two series, canceled to become simply Spider-Man)
  • Spider-Man (19 series, canceled)
  • X-Men Classics (three series, cancelled, several new sculpts of both completely original costumes and previously unproduced costumes with repaints of existing figures scattered throughout.)
  • Marvel Legends Showdown

    Marvel Legends Showdown is a collectible tabletop game in which the primary component is 4-inch (100 mm) action figures and cards. It was a collaboration between Upper Deck Entertainment and Toy Biz. Originally known as Marvel Superhero Showdown, it was renamed Marvel Legends Showdown to tie it in to the Marvel Legends line. The line did not continue when figure production switched from Toy Biz to Hasbro.


    Marvel Legends Unleashed is an 8-inch (200 mm) spin-off line from Marvel Legends. The figures were produced by Hasbro and feature multiple points of articulation.


    The "Icons" series includes 12-inch (300 mm) articulated figures of various characters from Marvel. The Toy Biz Icons each came with an "Evolution of an Icon" comic sized book including a history and stats of the character as well as artwork. These books are not included in the Hasbro Icons.

    Toy Biz

    Series 1 (2006)
    Series 2 (2006)
    Series 3 (2006)


    Wave 1 (2007)
    Wave 2 (2007)
    Wave 3 (2007)
    Wave 4 (2007)
    Wave 5 (2009)
    Wave 6 (2009)


    Marvel Legends Wikipedia

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