Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Mark Dice

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Full Name
Mark Shouldice

Mark Dice


Mark Dice Mark Dice accuses 50 cent of encouraging Kidnap and

Alma mater
California State University

Oceanside, California, United States

Illuminati in the Music Industry, The Resistance Manifesto, The Illuminati: Facts & Fi, The New World Order: Fa, Big Brother: The Orwe


Can You Name An Author of a Book? Any Author?


Mark Shouldice (born December 21, 1977), known professionally as Mark Dice, is an American video blogger, YouTube personality, and author known for his conspiracy theories about secret societies such as The Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove events, Satanists and the Illuminati control of the world.


Mark Dice False opposition Mark Dice returns to the InfoWhores fold


Mark Dice httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

In 2005, Dice wrote and self-published The Resistance Manifesto, a book on Illuminati and New World Order conspiracy theories. In 2009, he published The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, discussing the possibility of an Illuminati secret society. In 2010, The History Channel series Decoded featured Dice who met with the show's investigators to discuss the Illuminati secret society. Dice has also been featured in Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on TruTV and America's Book of Secrets.

More recently, Dice produced a series of YouTube videos where he attempts to get people in public places to sign satirical petitions, such as repealing the Bill of Rights "for Obama" and granting Obama immunity for any and all crimes he commits while in office. The videos were discussed on Fox & Friends and in The Washington Times.

Mark Dice Mark Dice making Illuminati hand signs during TV interview

In 2015, Los Angeles Times sports columnist Kevin Baxter derided Dice for his theory that Katy Perry was Satanic, and his theory that the Super Bowl halftime shows were elaborate Illuminati rituals.

Michael Reagan controversy

In June 2008, Dice launched a campaign he called "Operation Inform the Soldiers" to urge people to send letters and DVDs to troops stationed in Iraq supporting a conspiracy theory that the September 11 attacks in 2001 were an "inside job". "People want the facts. The Marines are hungry for the truth—what got them there [in Iraq], why are they risking their lives—and we’re going to help them understand that", he told Fox News. In reaction, syndicated talk show host Michael Reagan commented on-air that Dice should be found and tried for treason and said, "How about you take Mark Dice out and put him in the middle of a firing range. Tie him to a post, don't blindfold him, let it rip and have some fun with Mark Dice." Reagan added that he would pay for the bullets. Reagan apologized for his comments the following week. Progressive advocacy group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) described the incident as part of a broader pattern by Reagan of advocating for murder, and it called on its readers to ask Radio America, Reagan's syndicator, to explain whether it permitted its hosts to "call for murder on the air."


Mark Dice Wikipedia

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