Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Marilyn Frye

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Marilyn Frye



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The Politics of Reality, Willful Virgin: Essays in Feminism, 1976-1992

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Marilyn Frye (born 1941 in Tulsa, Oklahoma) is an American philosopher and radical feminist theorist. She is known for her work on sexism, racism, oppression, and sexuality. Her writings offer discussions of feminist topics, such as: white supremacy, male privilege, and gay and lesbian marginalization. Although she approaches the issues from the perspective of justice, she is also deeply engaged with the metaphysics, epistemology, and moral psychology of social categories.


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Education and career

Frye received the BA with honors in philosophy from Stanford University in 1963 and received the PhD in Philosophy at Cornell University in 1969, writing a dissertation titled "Meaning and Illocutionary Force," under the supervision of Max Black. Before coming to Michigan State University in 1974, she taught in the Philosophy Department at the University of Pittsburgh. From 2003 until her retirement, Frye was University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University; she also served as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies of the College of Arts and Letters. In 2008 she was the Phi Beta Kappa Romanell Lecturer.

Research and publications

Frye is the author of The Politics of Reality (1983), a collection of nine essays which has become a "classic" of feminist philosophy.

Frye is openly lesbian, and much of her work explores social categories—in particular, those based on race and gender.

Awards and distinctions

  • Frye was named Distinguished Woman Philosopher of the Year by the Society for Women in Philosophy in 2001.
  • Frye was chosen as Phi Beta Kappa's Romanell Professor in Philosophy for 2007-2008. The annually-awarded Romanell Professorship "recognizes the recipient's distinguished achievement and substantial contribution to the public understanding of philosophy." Recipients of this award also offer a series of lectures open to the public; Frye's series was entitled "Kinds of People: Ontology and Politics."
  • References

    Marilyn Frye Wikipedia

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