Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Marcin Urynowicz

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Warsaw University

Marcin Urynowicz

Marcin Urynowicz

Known for
Scientific research into the Holocaust in Poland

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Dr Marcin Urynowicz (born 1976) is a Polish historian, writer, and panelist associated with the research department of the Institute of National Remembrance. He graduated from the Warsaw University and completed his PhD thesis in 2008. Urynowicz is the recipient of the United States Holocaust Museum Fellowship. He specializes in World War II history of Poland with special focus on Polish-Jewish relations and the rescue of Jews by Poles during the Holocaust. Urynowicz runs an internet portal called Życie za Życie (Life for a Life) with educational and audio-visual materials as well as online documentaries devoted to the subject. The portal was inaugurated in March 2011 under the auspices of IPN and the National Centre of Culture represented by Anna Chylak.


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Urynowicz is the author of Holocaust biography titled Adam Czerniaków 1880-1942, about the Warsaw Ghetto leader who committed suicide when ordered by Nazi Germans to participate in the selection of Jews to Treblinka during the Grossaktion Warsaw of 1942. As researcher, Urynowicz has been challenged by two other historians of the IPN who have expressed their concern about some of his methodology in the interpretation of the Holocaust data from the Polish capital. Conversely, Urynowicz insisted that writing about Righteous requires study and no approach based on preconceived notions is acceptable to him.[pg.110]

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  • Marcin Urynowicz, with Elimelech Rak (2010), Wspomnienia żydowskiego działacza rzemieślniczego, Instytut Pamieci Narodowej, 217 pages. ISBN 8376292196.
  • Marcin Urynowicz (2009), Adam Czerniaków 1880-1942: prezes getta warszawskiego, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, 372 pages. ISBN 8376290509.
  • Marcin Urynowicz (2003), Żydzi w samorządzie miasta Kozienice w okresie międzywojennym 1919-1939, Żydowski Instytut Historyczny, 172 pages. ISBN 8385888829.
  • References

    Marcin Urynowicz Wikipedia

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