Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Macedonian conjugation

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Macedonian conjugation (Macedonian: конјугација) is the creation of derived forms of a Macedonian verb from its principal parts by inflection.


Macedonian verbs are conventionally divided into three main conjugations according to the thematic vowel used in the citation form (i.e. 3p-pres-sg):

  • а–group (e.g. вика, бега);
  • и–group — further divided into three subgroups according to the thematic vowel in the 1p-aor-sg:
  • и–subgroup (носиносив, учиучив),
  • е–subgroup (остариостарев, оздравиоздравев),
  • а–subgroup (стоистојав, лежилежав).
  • е–group — further divided into four subgroups according to the thematic vowel in the 1p-aor-sg:
  • а–subgroup (викневикнав, паднепаднав),
  • е–subgroup (умреумрев, задрезадрев),
  • о–subgroup (печепеков, сечесеков),
  • ∅–subgroup (i.e. with an athematic stem; пиепив, триетрив).
  • Futurity is expressed by placing the invariable particle ќе before a verb phrase.

    Synthetic series

    The synthetic series consists of three simple tenses—the present, imperfect and aorist—and the imperative mood.

    Present tense

    1, 2 The syllabic thematic vowel и changes to the non-syllabic ј when preceding inflectional suffixes which begin with a vowel.



    3 An intrusive /j/ occurs between /i/ and /a/.


    4 An intrusive /j/ occurs between /i/ and /a/.

    Non-finite series

    The non-finite series consists of the verbal л-form, verbal adverb, verbal noun and verbal adjective.

  • The verbal л-form occurs in two forms: one based on the imperfect stem and one based on the aorist stem. The verbal л-form inflects for gender and number.
  • The verbal adverb is an invariant form, based on the imperfect stem with the addition of the suffix -јќи; ex. викајќи.
  • The verbal noun is based on the imperfect stem of imperfective verbs with the addition of the suffix -ње; ex. одење. The verbal noun inflects for number and case as with other nouns.
  • The verbal adjective is based on the aorist stem when the stem ends in /a/. Otherwise, the imperfect stem is used. It is formed by adding -/t/ to the end of the stem where the vowel is preceded by -/n/ or -/ɲ/, otherwise -/n/ is used; for example, покани 'to invite' has the verbal adjective поканет 'invited', and дојде 'to come' has the verbal adjective дојден 'arrived'. The verbal adjective inflects for number, gender and case as with other adjectives.
  • Analytic series

    The analytic series consists of compound tenses and the conditional mood. It is further divided into the сум-series, беше-pluperfect series and има-series.


  • The сум-aorist is formed using the present tense of сум (inflecting for person, and dropped in 3P sg. and 3P pl.) and the aorist verbal л-form.
  • The сум-imperfect is formed using the present tense of сум (inflecting for person, and dropped in 3P sg. and 3P pl.) and the imperfect verbal л-form
  • Беше-pluperfect series

  • The беше-aorist is formed using the aorist of сум (inflecting for person, and dropped in 3P sg. and 3P pl.) and the aorist verbal л-form.
  • The беше-imperfect is formed using the imperfect of сум (inflecting for person, and dropped in 3P sg. and 3P pl.) and the imperfect verbal л-form.
  • Има-series

  • The има-perfect is formed using the present tense of има (inflecting for person) and the neuter sg. verbal adjective.
  • The имаше-pluperfect is formed using the imperfect of има (inflecting for person) and the neuter sg. verbal adjective.
  • The имал-perfect is formed using the present tense of сум (inflecting for person, and dropped in 3P sg. and 3P pl.), the verbal л-form of има and the neuter sg. verbal adjective.
  • Conditional mood

    The conditional mood is formed using the invariant particle би with the verbal л-form. Imperfective and perfective verbs typically use the imperfect and aorist verbal л-forms, respectively.


    Macedonian conjugation Wikipedia

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