Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Lyubov Uspenskaya

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Years active
1979 – present

Aleksandr Plaksin

Associated acts
Tatyana Plaksina

Lyubov Uspenskaya

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Native name
Lyubov' Zalmanovna Uspenskaya

Birth name
Lyubov' Zalmanovna Sitsker

24 February 1954 (age 70) Kiev, Ukrainian SSR, USSR (

Pop, Russian pop, Soviet music,

Elena Chayka, Zalman Efromovich Sitsker

Leti, Moya Devochka, Leti

Similar People
Irina Dubtsova, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Philipp Kirkorov, Slava, Stas Mikhaylov

Lyubov uspenskaya gitara

Lyubov' Zalmanovna Uspenskaya (Russian: Любо́вь За́лмановна Успе́нская), born Sitsker (Си́цкер), (b. 24 February 1954, Kiev, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) is a Soviet and Russian singer of Russian popular music, much of which is the so-called "urban romance" (Russian: городской романс, gorodskoy romans) style.


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Tata Simonyan feat. Lyubov Uspenskaya - Vakhenum em Kases che // ©


Lyubov Uspenskaya

Lyubov Uspenskaya's mother died in childbirth, and was raised by her grandmother until the age of five. Then her father, Zalman Efromovich Sitsker, the director of the Kiev factory of household appliances, remarried, and they began to live with her stepmother.

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From an early age Uspenskaya's father began to teach his daughter to play the accordion. Uspenskaya graduated from music school and the Kiev Glier Music College. She worked in Kiev, and recorded with Gregory Balberom . At the age of seventeen was invited by friends to work in Yerevan, Armenian SSR.

Lyubov Uspenskaya Lyubov Uspenskaya Nebo YouTube

In 1978, along with her second husband Yuri, Uspenskaya emigrated from the Soviet Union. For a year, they lived in Italy and afterwards left for the United States. Only a few days after arriving in the United States Uspenskaya was invited to work in the "Sadko" Russian cabaret-restaurant. Uspenskaya lived in Brighton Beach, the Russian-Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. In 1985, she recorded her first album, "Beloved." In Russia, her recordings were promoted at first in the early 90's by Jeff Records and AVA Records of Ekaterinburg, and later from the mid 90's, by Soyuz Studios.

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In the 1990s, Uspenskaya moved to Los Angeles.

Lyubov Uspenskaya

In 1993, at the invitation of Leonid Derbenyov's company "Steam", which provided the singer financial and informational support, Uspenskaya went to Russia to film the music video for the song "Kabriolet" (Russian: Кабриолет, lit. "Convertible" (car)), and tour in Russia. Since then, Uspenskaya has toured Russia regularly and won awards in song competition "Song of the Year" (Russian: Шансон года, Shanson goda), and later moved to Moscow.


Lyubov Uspenskaya

  • 1985 — «My Loved One (Любимый)» (LP, Frans Production, FP 3885-1, США).
  • 1993 — «Любимый» (Jeff Records)
  • 1993 — «Не забывай» Jeff Records; AVA Records, V 94007 (1994)
  • 1993 — «Экспресс в Монте-Карло» Jeff Records SS 93031; AVA Records, V 94005 (1994)
  • 1995 — «Гусарская рулетка»
  • 1995 — «Далеко, далеко» (Студия «Союз»)
  • 1995 — «Концерт в „Метрополе“» (Apex Records AXCD 3-0017)
  • 1996 — «Карусель» (Союз/Master Sound, MS 085/SZCD 0594-96)
  • 1997 — «Пропадаю я» (Союз SZCD 0827-97)
  • 2002 — «Экспресс в Монте-Карло»
  • 2003 — «Горький шоколад»
  • 2007 — «К единственному нежному...» (Союз SZCD 4490-07)
  • 2007 — «Карета»
  • 2010 — «Лети, моя девочка»
  • 2012 — «История одной любви»
  • Compilations

  • 1994 — «Гусарская рулетка» (Jeff Records, большая часть песен взята с альбома «Любимый» (1985).
  • 1994 — «Кабриолет (The Best)» (F2F Music Productions, без номера, Канада).
  • 1998 — «Лучшие песни» (Союз SZCD 0882-98)
  • 1998 — «Лучшие песни» (Монолит МТ 265-1)
  • 2000 — «Золотая коллекция»
  • 2002 — «Гусарская рулетка» (Jeff Records, без номера; переиздание диска 1994 года с другим оформлением).
  • 2003 — «Любовное настроение» (Никитин, TFH-CD08/03)
  • 2005 — «Настроение шансон»
  • 2006 — «Ещё не поздно — Лучшие песни»
  • 2006 — «Grand Collection»
  • 2009 — «Союз Gold. Лучшие песни» (Союз SZCD 6088-09; переиздание диска 1998 года).
  • Singles

  • «Не верь чужим словам» (В.Добрынин и Л.Дербенёв)
  • References

    Lyubov Uspenskaya Wikipedia

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