Sneha Girap (Editor)

Lucio Malan

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Lucio Malan

Italian Politician

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University of Turin, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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Lucio Malan (born 30 July 1960) is an Italian politician.


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Malan was born in Luserna San Giovanni, Turin. He earned his BA in Literature at the University of Turin, then he obtained a master's degree in history at University of Nevada Las Vegas, where Lucio Malan was also teaching assistant.

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Lucio Malan is member of the People of Freedom Party. From 1994 to 1996 he was a deputy. Since 2001 he has been senator and secretary of the presidency of Italian Senate. He is also a member of NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

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Lucio Malan is a member of the Waldensian Evangelical Church.

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From 1990 to 1998 he was guest speaker of Italian History and Culture at University Studies Abroad Consortium in Turin, Italy.

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From 1998 to 2008 he has been the director of communications of Forza Italia Party.

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