Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Lucien Aimé Blanc

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Lucien Aime-Blanc

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Lucien Aimé-Blanc is a former French police officer. He was vice chief of staff of the Antigang brigade and also of the Narcotics brigade. He led the Office central de répression du banditisme (OCRB).


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Lucien Aimé-Blanc revealed in L'Indic et le Commissaire (2006) that left-wing activist Pierre Goldman had been assassinated on 20 September 1979 by a commando of the GAL, a Spanish death squad, led by Jean-Pierre Maïone. According to Aimé-Blanc, Henri Curiel, a famous anti-colonialist opposed to the Algerian War (1954–62) may also have been the victim of the same Jean-Pierre Maïone, who was his informant for years.

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Lucien aim blanc la v rit sur la mort de mesrine archive ina

Lucien Aimé-Blanc Interview Lucien AimBlanc Archive INA YouTube


Lucien Aimé-Blanc Wikipedia

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