Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Louise Weinberg

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Louise Weinberg

Federal courts

Elizabeth Weinberg

Steven Weinberg (m. 1954)


Louise Weinberg Louise Weinberg Texas Law Faculty Texas Law

Harvard Law School, Cornell University

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Louise Weinberg is Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas, where she holds the endowed William B. Bates Chair for the Administration of Justice (formerly held by Charles Alan Wright). She is also a Fellow of the Charles Alan Wright Chair. She teaches and writes in the fields of constitutional law and federal courts, and has revived the Supreme Court Seminar originated by Wright. She has also written in the fields of conflict of laws and admiralty


Louise Weinberg Louise Weinberg Wikipedia

Weinberg was born in New York. She received her bachelor of arts degree from Cornell University summa cum laude, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and has two degrees from Harvard Law School. She clerked for Hon. Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr., and was an associate in litigation with Bingham, Dana & Gould (later Bingham, McCutchen) in Boston, Massachusetts. She has taught at Harvard Law School, Brandeis University, Suffolk Law School, and Stanford Law School.

An elected member of the American Law Institute (the lawyers’ honor society), she currently serves on its committee of Advisers for the forthcoming Restatement (Third) of Conflict of Laws. Over time, Weinberg has chaired three different sections of the Association of American Law Schools (the law professors’ learned society): the sections on Admiralty, on the Conflict of Laws (twice), and on Federal Courts (twice, as well as an additional year as Acting Chair). Weinberg is also an elected member of the Philosophical Society of Texas, and serves on the Board of Directors of Phi Beta Kappa in Austin. She has served as a Forum Fellow at the World Economic Forum at Davos. She recently appeared in the Public Broadcasting Service's four-part series, “The Supreme Court.”

Louise Weinberg is married to Steven Weinberg, the physicist and Nobel laureate. They live in Austin, Texas and have one child.


In the field of constitutional law, Weinberg’s current and recent writings include Luther v. Borden: A Taney-Court Mystery Solved (Pace Law Review, forthcoming 2017); A General Theory of Governance (William & Mary Law Review 2012); Unlikely Beginnings of Modern Constitutional Thought (University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 2012); The McReynolds Mystery Solved (Denver Law Review 2011); Overcoming Dred (Constitutional Commentary 2007); Dred Scott and the Crisis of 1860 (Chicago-Kent Law Review 2007); Our Marbury (Virginia Law Review 2003); and When Courts Decide Elections: The Constitutionality of Bush v. Gore (Boston University Law Review 2002).

In the field of federal courts, Weinberg is author of Federal Courts: Judicial Federalism and Judicial Power (West Publishing Company 1994 & Supplements). Her recent articles in this field include Back to the Future: The New General Common Law (Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 2004); Of Sovereignty and Union: The Legends of Alden (Notre Dame Law Review 2001); and The Article III Box (Texas Law Review 2000). She contributed the article on United States Federal Courts for the Encyclopedia of Legal History (Oxford University Press 2009).

In the field of conflict of laws, Weinberg is co-author, with William Richman and William Reynolds, of The Conflict of Laws (Matthew Bender 1990) (2d ed. 2002). Her recent writings in this field include A Radical Transformation for Conflicts (Illinois Law Review 2015), What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Extraterritoriality (Cornell Law Review 2014), and Theory Wars in the Conflict of Laws (Michigan Law Review 2005).

Weinberg has also done some writing on legal theory and jurisprudence, including Of Theory and Theodicy: The Problem of Immoral Law (Law and Justice in a Multistate World, S. Symeonides ed. 2002) and Choosing Law, Giving Justice (Louisiana Law Review 2000).

Earlier noted articles by Weinberg include Holmes’ Failure (Michigan Law Review 1997); Fear and Federalism (Ohio Northern University Law Review 1997); The Power of Congress over Courts in Nonfederal Cases (Brigham Young University Law Review 1995); Political Questions and the Guarantee Clause (University of Colorado Law Review 1994); Mass Torts at the Neutral Forum (Albany Law Review 1993); The Federal-State Conflict of Laws: 'Actual' Conflicts (Texas Law Review 1992); Against Comity (Georgetown Law Journal 1991); The Monroe Mystery Solved: Beyond the 'Unhappy History' Theory of Civil Rights Litigation (Brigham Young University Law Review 1991); Federal Common Law (Northwestern Law Review 1989); Choice of Law and Minimal Scrutiny (Chicago Law Review 1982); and The New Judicial Federalism (Stanford Law Review 1977). Her pieces for the general public have appeared in The American Scholar, The Public Interest, and Daedalus.


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