Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Los Colorados

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Also known as
The Colorados

Years active
2006 - Present

MOVE IT!, Los Colorados

Los Colorados Los Colorados banda Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre

guitar, accordion, bass guitar, drums

Rostyslav Fook, Ruslan Prystupa, Serhiy Masyk, Oleksandr Drachuk

Record labels
Motor Music, Jungla Cartoons, Inc.

Rock music, Polka, Folk music

Trystavisim, Flit, Rolliks, Qarpa, Perkalaba


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Los Colorados (from the Spanish: The colorado potato beetles, also known as The Colorados) is a Ukrainian band formed in 2006 in Ternopil. The band play their own songs, but have also covered several popular and folk songs. Los Colorados increased in prominence after their cover of Katy Perry's song "Hot n Cold" grew popular via online video websites. The band plays guitar, bayan, bass guitar and drums.


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The band was formed in the city of Ternopil in 2006 and originally performed their own songs. However, their popularity came when they were invited to a local TV station to perform live, where they played several songs, among them Katy Perry's song "Hot n Cold". The lead singer didn't speak any English and learned the song from a text transliterated into Ukrainian letters.

Los Colorados Los Colorados Hot amp cold YouTube

The peak of popularity occurred when their version of Hot n Cold was aired on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The video posted on YouTube was viewed more than 3 and a half million times and received generally positive reviews because of its comic value and unusual interpretation. Katy Perry herself described this version of her song as "inspiring."

Los Colorados Los Colorados It39s my life YouTube

During their performances members of the group present themselves as the "boys from the village of Tetylkivtsi", a real village (population — 636), however, in reality most of the performers come from the city of Ternopil.

Songs by Los Colorados

Los Colorados Los Colorados Wikipedia wolna encyklopedia

  • Haryachyi i kholodnyi (Гарячий і холодний; cover of "Hot n Cold" by Katy Perry)
  • Du Hast (cover of "Du Hast" by Rammstein)
  • Bayan, bayan (Баян, баян; cover of Gitar by Peter Nalitch)
  • Pamidory (Помідори)
  • Kokhana (Кохана)
  • Korova zdokhla (Корова здохла)
  • Paskuda (Паскуда)
  • Nenavyzhu pianino (Ненавижу піаніно)
  • Tyotya Lyuba (Тьотя Люба)
  • Rillya v ilyuminatori (Рілля в ілюмінаторі)
  • Rover Ukrayina (Ровер Україна)
  • Chorna lyubov (Чорна любов)
  • Fihurka (Фігурка)
  • Ranetki (Ранетки)
  • Chempioni lyubvi (Чемпионы любви)

  • Los Colorados Los Colorados Snowflakes YouTube


    My Sweet MilaMOVE IT! · 2012
    BesameMOVE IT! · 2012
    Indie BoyMOVE IT! · 2012


    Los Colorados Wikipedia

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