Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Longhua District, Shenzhen

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175 km²


Time zone
China Standard (UTC+8)

Guangdong Province

Longhua District, Shenzhen httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Longhua District is a district in Shenzhen, Guangdong, People's Republic of China. It was created as a new district on 30 December 2011, and became a district on 11 October 2016.



Longhua was established as a new district on 30 December 2011 by the Shenzhen municipal government, being separated from Bao'an District. It was one of the four "new districts" established within Shenzhen (Longhua New District, Guangming New District, Pingshan New District and Dapeng New District, due the rapid expansion of city urban area after 2000s. It was still part of Bao'an District in administrative management. On 11 October 2016, Longhua was officially separated from Bao'an District and became a district on its own.


By the end of 2012, Longhua New District covered an area of 175.58 square kilometres. The new district is situated in the north part of Shenzhen city, and lying on the middle vertical main axis of the city, being just north of the Futian CBD, Shenzhen. It borders Dongguan City to the north.


Longhua New District is one of the main production bases in Shenzhen. It consists of manufacturing industry, trading industries and information technology. Altogether forms an outward economic structure which is typical in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.


Due to the strategic location of Longhua, it is considered as a main transportation hub within the city. It houses the Shenzhen North Railway Station, which is a high-speed railway station of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link to be inaugurated in phases between 2011 and 2018. It will connect Beijing, the capital city of China, and Hong Kong (Kowloon) via Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Right now the station is also operating intercity rail services and also an intra-city metro station.

Property Development

A large part of Longhua New District has also been heavily developed into a high end residential area, with recent property developments established on a mostly undeveloped land surrounding the Shenzhen North Railway Station. Parts of the old industrial areas in the district are also planned to be demolished and restructured into more residential area to cope with the rapid expansion of population in the disctict.

List of Private housing estates in Longhua Longhua is an area with a high density of Private housing estates. Some of the larger private housing estates in Longhua are:

  • Lvjing 1866 - built by China LVGEM Property Holdings Limited (HKEX:0095)
  • Lvjing Xiangsong - built by China LVGEM Property Holdings Limited (HKEX:0095)
  • Shuixiechuntian - built by Top Spring International Holdings Limited (HKEX:3688)
  • References

    Longhua District, Shenzhen Wikipedia

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