Trisha Shetty (Editor)

List of political parties in Zambia

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List of political parties in Zambia

Zambia is a multi-party system with the Patriotic Front in power. Opposition parties are allowed and do have some significant representation in government.


Other parties

  • Agenda for Zambia
  • National Alliance Party (NAP)
  • National Restoration Party
  • Heritage Party
  • UNIP
  • Forum for Democracy and Development
  • ULP
  • National Democratic Focus
  • Zambia Republican Party
  • Zambians For Empowerment and Development (ZED)
  • Alliance For a Better Zambia
  • Green Party of Zambia (Greens)
  • Social Democratic Party
  • Poor People's party
  • Common Cause for Democracy
  • Defunct parties

  • Zambian African National Congress (1948–1972)
  • Zambian African National Congress (ZANC) (1958–1959)
  • United Progressive Party (1971–1972)
  • New Generation Party
  • References

    List of political parties in Zambia Wikipedia

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