Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

List of mountains of the Allgäu Alps

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List of mountains of the Allgäu Alps

This list of mountains of the Allgäu Alps tabulates those peaks and summits with names and spot heights that lie within the Allgäu Alps and that have a prominence of over 30 metres (98 ft). and an isolation of 100 metres (330 ft) or more (rounded).


Map of Allg%C3%A4u Alps, 83661 Lenggries, Germany


  • No.: the order of the first fourteen peaks, because these are confirmed. The summits are arranged in order of height.
  • Name: the name used in the literature.
  • Elevation: the height of the summit point in metres. Depending on the location this will be reference to Normalhöhennull (Germany) or metres above the Adriatic (Austria).
  • Group: the sub-range with the Allgäu Alps to which the mountain is assigned. The main summit of a sub-group is highlighted in colour.
  • Location: the state and country in which the summit is located.
  • Prominence: the prominence is the height difference between summits and the highest col to which one must at least descend in order to reach a higher summit. Given in metres together with the reference point (col).
  • Isolation: the isolation describes the radius of the area over which the mountain rises. Given in kilometres with the reference point (rounded to 100 metres based on mathematical rules).
  • Image: photograph of the respective mountain.
  • Summits

    By clicking the symbol at the head of a column the table may be sorted. All entries are taken from the given sources.


  • Seibert, Dieter (2008). Alpine Club Guide alpin – Allgäuer Alpen und Ammergauer Alpen (17th ed.). Munich: Bergverlag Rother. ISBN 978-3763311262. 
  • Ernst Zettler, Heinz Groth: Alpine Club Guide – Allgäuer Alpen. 12th fully revised edition. Bergverlag Rudolf Rother, Munich, 1985, ISBN 3-7633-1111-4
  • Maps
  • Alpine Club map 2/1 Allgäuer-, Lechtaler Alpen – West (1:25.000). ISBN 978-3-9287-7713-1 (as at: 2004)
  • Alpine Club map 2/2 Allgäuer-, Lechtaler Alpen – Ost (1:25.000). ISBN 978-3-9287-7714-8 (as at: 2006)
  • Kompass walking, cycling and ski touring map: Sheet 3 Allgäuer Alpen, Kleinwalsertal (1:50,000). ISBN 978-3-8549-1005-3 (as at: January 2005)
  • Kompass walking, cycling and ski touring map: Sheet 03 Oberstdorf, Kleinwalsertal (1:25,000). ISBN 978-3-8549-1231-6 (as at: 2009)
  • Kompass walking, cycling and ski touring map: Sheet 04 Tannheimer Tal (1:35,000). ISBN 978-3-85491-644-4 (as at: February 2007)
  • References

    List of mountains of the Allgäu Alps Wikipedia

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