Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

List of Juilliard School people

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This list of Juilliard School people contains links to Wikipedia articles about notable alumni and teachers of the Juilliard School in New York City.


Dance division

The dance division was established in 1951. It offers a four-year Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree or a diploma. In prior years it also awarded B.S. and M.S. degrees.

Drama division

The drama division was founded in 1968. Those who complete the four-year program receive either a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree, a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree (starting Fall 2012), or a diploma. Each year's class is identified by a group number: Group 1 started in 1968 and graduated in 1972; Group 43 includes students completing their fourth year in 2014.

Playwrights program

The Lila Acheson Wallace American Playwrights Program is a one-year graduate level program in Juilliard's drama division. Selected playwrights invited to complete a second year may earn an Artist Diploma in Playwriting.

Directors program

The Andrew W. Mellon Artist Diploma Program for Theatre Directors was a two-year graduate fellowship that began in 1995 (expanded to three years in 1997) and was discontinued from autumn 2006.

  • Sam Gold (Directors 2006)
  • Music division

    The music division offers a four-year Bachelor of Music (BM) degree, a Master of Music (MM) degree, a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree, an Artist Diploma (AD), or a diploma. In prior years it also awarded B.S. and M.S. degrees.

    Resident ensembles

  • American Brass Quintet
  • Juilliard String Quartet
  • Presidents of the Juilliard School

  • Joseph W. Polisi (1984–)
  • Peter Mennin (1962–1984)
  • William Schuman (1946–1961)
  • Ernest Hutcheson (1937–1945)
  • John Erskine (1926–1937)
  • Frank Damrosch (1904–1926)
  • References

    List of Juilliard School people Wikipedia

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