Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

List of Hungarian painters

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List of Hungarian painters

This is an incomplete list of Hungarian painters. For sculptors see List of Hungarian sculptors



  • Vilmos Aba Novák - Hungarian painter and graphic artist (1894–1941)
  • Mór Adler (1826–1902), Hungarian painter
  • Gyula Aggházy - Hungarian painter and teacher (1850–1919)
  • Tivadar Alconiere - Austro-Hungarian painter (1797–1865)
  • Friedrich von Amerling - Austro-Hungarian portrait painter (1803–1887)
  • Imre Ámos - Hungarian Jewish painter (1907–1944/1945)
  • Margit Anna - Hungarian painter (1913–1991)
  • Béla Apáti Abkarovics - Hungarian painter and graphic artist (1888–1957)
  • Lili Árkayné Sztehló - Hungarian painter working with stained glass (1897–1959)
  • István Árkossy - Hungarian painter and graphic artist (1943–)
  • Ágoston Ács - painter and goldsmith (1889–1947)
  • Béla Nagy Abodi - Hungarian painter and graphic artist (1918–2012)
  • B

  • Ottó Baditz (1849–1936) - Hungarian painter. He painted mostly genre pictures in an academic style
  • Endre Bálint - Hungarian painter and graphic artist (1914–1986)
  • Rezső Bálint - Hungarian landscape painter (1885–1945)
  • Pál Balkay - Hungarian painter and teacher (1785–1846)
  • László Balogh - Hungarian painter
  • Béla Bán (1909–1972)
  • Ernő Bánk - Hungarian teacher painter noted for his minitature portraits (1883–1962)
  • Miklós Bánovszky (1895–1995)
  • Miklós Barabás - Hungarian painter noted for his portraits (1810–1898)
  • Jenő Barcsay - Hungarian painter (1900–1988)
  • Andor Basch
  • Gyula Basch (1859–1928), Hungarian painter
  • Gyula Batthyány
  • Dezső Bednay - Hungarian painter and designer (1923–2013)
  • Éva Bednay - Hungarian painter and designer (1927–)
  • Gyula Benczúr - Hungarian painter and pedagogue (1844–1920)
  • Géza Bene (1900–1960)
  • Ágost Benkhard (1882–1961)
  • Lajos Berán - Hungarian sculptor and artist noted for his medal work (1882–1943)
  • Róbert Berény - Hungarian painter (1887–1953)
  • Aurél Bernáth - Hungarian expressionist painter (1895–1982)
  • László Beszédes - Hungarian sculptor, noted for his small bronze and terracotta statuettes (1874–1922)
  • Sándor Bihari (1855–1906)
  • Dezső Bokros Birman (1889–1965)
  • Béla Bíró - Hungarian painter and art historian and author (1899–1982)
  • Ferenc Bodis - Hungarian painter (1828–1891)
  • Zsolt Bodoni
  • Benjamin Block - German - Hungarian painter known for his portrait paintings (1631–1690)
  • Jakab Bogdány (1660–1724)
  • Jzsef Dániel Böhm (1794–1865)
  • Pál Böhm (1839–1905)
  • István Boldizsár (1897–1984)
  • Ferenc Bolmányi (1909–1990)
  • Zoltán Borbereki-Kovács (1907–1992)
  • Géza Bornemisza (1884–1966)
  • Tibor Boromisza (1880–1960)
  • József Borsos - Hungarian portrait painter and photographer (1821–1883)
  • Miklós Borsos - Hungarian sculptor (1906–1990)
  • Sándor Bortnyik - Hungarian painter and graphic designer (1893–1976)
  • Samu Börtsök (1881–1931)
  • Marcell Breuer (1902–1981)
  • Gabor Breznay
  • József Breznay
  • Károly Brocky
  • Sándor Brodszky
  • Lajos Bruck
  • C

  • István Csók - Hungarian Impressionist painter (1865–1961)
  • Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka - Hungarian painter (1853–1919)
  • Béla Czóbel - Hungarian painter (1883–1976)
  • Robert Capa Cornell Capa 2 brothers who started Magnum photographers Cornell was the founder of the International Center of Photography in New York City Robert was a war photo journalist who amongst other photographs captured the images of the landing in Normandy


  • Róza Dabis (1900–1984) - apprentice to Béla Iványi-Grünwald, newspaper journalist, and sketcher of parliamentarians
  • Gyula Derkovits
  • Balázs Diószegi - Hungarian painter primarily using the colour black (1914–1999)
  • László Dombrovszky - Hungarian painter (1894–1982)
  • János Donát - Hungarian painter (1744–1830)
  • Orshi Drozdik - Hungarian feminist artist (1946–)
  • Desi Pilch - Hungarian Impressionist artist from late 1800 to the early 1900s
  • E

  • József Egry - Hungarian modernist painter (1883–1951)
  • F

  • Bogi Fabian - Hungarian painter, using glow-in-the-dark techniques
  • Adolf Fényes
  • Árpád Feszty - Hungarian historical painter (1856–1914)
  • Gizella Fejes - Hungarian graphic artist and painter (1935–)
  • G

  • Gyöngyi Farkas - Hungarian impressionist/realistic painter, www.gyongyifarkas.com (1959–)
  • Tamas Galambos
  • Ilka Gedő - Jewish Hungarian artist (1921–1985)
  • Ernő Grünbaum - Jewish Hungarian painter (1908–1944/45)
  • Lajos Gulácsy
  • Jenő Gyárfás (1857–1925)
  • István Gyebnár - Hungarian fine artist, painter (1961–)
  • Nemeth György - Hungarian painter (1890–1962)
  • Líviusz Gyulai - Hungarian graphic artist, printmaker, illustrator (1937–)
  • Arvo Györköny - Hungarian minimalist painter
  • H

  • Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl (1860–1933) - historical and mythological painting
  • Elemér Hoffman (Elmyr de Hory) (1906–1976) - Hungarian-born painter and Famous art forger
  • Istvan Horkay (1945–) - Hungarian painter
  • Sam Havadtoy (1952–) - neo-pop painter and interior designer
  • I

  • Béla Iványi-Grünwald
  • J

  • Ferenc Joachim - Hungarian (Magyar) painter of portraits and landscapes (1882–1964)
  • Gyula Jakoby (1903–1985)
  • Zoltán Joó (1956–) - Hungarian painter
  • K

  • Bertalan Karlovszky
  • Lajos Kassák - Hungarian poet, novelist, painter, essayist, editor, and father of many modernisms (1887–1967)
  • Nándor Katona (1864–1932) - painter
  • Isidor Kaufman (1853–1921) - Hungarian painter of Jewish themes
  • Károly Kelemen (1948–)
  • Gusztáv Kelety (1834–1902) - painter
  • Dóra Keresztes (1953–) - Hungarian painter, printmaker, illustrator, graphic designer and animated film director
  • Károly Kernstok
  • Károly Kisfaludy - Hungarian dramatist (1788–1830)
  • Bálint Kiss
  • Zoltán Klie
  • Béla Kondor - Hungarian painter, prose writer, poet, photographer, and avant-garde graphic artist (1931–1972)
  • József Koszta
  • L

  • Márta Lacza - Hungarian graphic artist and portrait painter (born 1946)
  • Émile Lahner - Hungarian painter (1893–1980)
  • Philip Alexius de Laszlo - Hungarian painter of portraits of royal and aristocratic personages (1869–1937)
  • Sándor Liezen-Mayer
  • Litkee, Antol Bia (1876)
  • Emil Lindenfeld - Hungarian-American oil-painter (1905–1986)
  • Károly Lotz - German-Hungarian painter (1833–1904)
  • M

  • Viktor Madarász - Hungarian romantic painter (1840–1917)
  • Gábor Magyar - Hungarian painter (1953–)
  • Americo Makk - Hungarian ecclesiastical, historical portrait painter (1927-2015)
  • Jack C.Mancino - Hungarian Abstract expressionist (1968–)
  • Ádám Mányoki - Hungarian Baroque painter (1673–1757)
  • Ödön Márffy - Hungarian painter (1878–1959)
  • Károly Markó the Elder
  • Zsuzsa Máthé (1964–) - Hungarian painter, founder of Transrealism
  • Eszter Mattioni (1902–1993) - Hungarian painter
  • László Mednyánszky - Hungarian painter in the Impressionist tradition (1852–1919)
  • Géza Mészöly - Hungarian Romantic painter (1844–1887)
  • László Moholy-Nagy - Hungarian painter, professor, and photographer (1895–1946)
  • Pál Molnár C.
  • Master M. S. - painter who specialized in late Gothic art and in early Renaissance art ( - )
  • Csaba Markus - Hungarian painter of Portraits and large scale Figurative paintings (1953–)
  • Mihály Munkácsy - Hungarian painter of genre pictures and large scale biblical paintings (1844–1900)
  • N

  • István Nagy - Hungarian painter (1873–1937)
  • Géza Nagy - Hungarian painter (1954–)
  • Georgeta Stoica Nagy - Hungarian painter (1954–)
  • János Nagy Balogh - Hungarian painter (1874–1919)
  • O

  • István Orosz (1951–) - Hungarian painter, printmaker, graphic designer and animated film director
  • [[Andrew Osze (1909-1995) Hungarian Sculptor and painter
  • P

  • László Paál - Hungarian Realist landscape painter (1846–1879)
  • Béla Pállik
  • Arthur Pan - Portraitist noted for paintings of Sir Winston Churchill and Jan Smuts.
  • Károly Patkó (1895–1941) - Hungarian painter and copper engraver, noted for his nude paintings in a plastic presentation
  • Tamás Péli - Hungarian Romani painter (1948–1994)
  • Soma Orlai Petrich - Hungarian painter (1822–1880)
  • Bertalan Pór - Hungarian painter (1880–1964)
  • R

  • István Regős - Hungarian painter and artist (1954–)
  • István Réti - (1872–1945), Hungarian painter, professor, art historian and leading member, as well as a founder and theoretician, of the Nagybánya artists' colony
  • József Rippl-Rónai - Hungarian painter (1861–1927)
  • Charles Roka - Hungarian painter of artistic kitsch (1912–1999)
  • Tibor Rényi - contemporary Hungarian painter (1973–)
  • György Rózsahegyi - contemporary Hungarian painter (1940–2010)
  • S

  • István Sándorfi - hyperrealist Hungarian painter, who lived in France (1948–2007)
  • Michael Aloysius Sarisky - figure, genre, and landscape Hungarian painter, who lived in Ohio, USA (1906–1974)
  • János Saxon-Szász
  • Hugo Scheiber
  • Mihály Schéner - mid-20th century modernist artist (1923–2009)
  • Schilling Oszkar Von Tordai
  • Henriett Seth F. - Hungarian autistic savant poet, writer and artist, Henriett Seth F. (1980–)
  • Oliver Sin (1985–) - contemporary Hungarian painter, science art, math art
  • Bertalan Székely - Hungarian Romantic painter of historical themes (1835–1910)
  • Zsuzsa Szikra
  • Pál von Szinyei-Merse - Hungarian painter and politician (1845–1920)
  • István Szőnyi
  • T

  • Mór Than - Hungarian realistic, pre-impressionist style painter (1828–1899)
  • Ernő Tibor - Jewish Hungarian painter (1885–1945)
  • Lajos Tihanyi
  • János Tornyai - Hungarian painter (1869–1936)
  • Paul Takacs
  • Sándor Turmayer - impressionist style painter (1879–1953)
  • Péter Tuzson-Berczeli - Hungarian painter (1966–)
  • Ernő Tóth - Hungarian painter (1949–)
  • Kristóf Tóth - Hungarian painter
  • U

  • Géza Udvary - Hungarian Romantic and Symbolist painter (1872–1932)
  • V

  • János Valentiny (1842–1902)
  • György Vastagh (1834–1922)
  • János Vaszary - Hungarian painter (1867–1938)
  • Lajos Vajda - Hungarian avant-garde painter (1908–1941)
  • Emil Vén
  • W

  • Félix Bódog Widder – Hungarian painter and graphic designer (1874–1939)
  • Z

  • Mihály Zichy - Hungarian painter and graphic artist (1827–1906)
  • References

    List of Hungarian painters Wikipedia

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