Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Lisa Park (artist)

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Lisa Park


Lisa Park (artist) https1cyjknyddcx62agyb002webassetss3amazona

Eunoia ii beautiful thought ll from lisa park

Lisa Park is an interdisciplinary artist living in New York City and Seoul, South Korea.


Lisa Park (artist) Artist Lisa Park Visits the DH Lab Digital Arts and Culture Program


Lisa Park (artist) Watch Artist Lisa Park Move Water With Her Mind Hauntingly

Park's work explores visualizing emotive states and the subconscious. In Eunoia and Eunoia II, she controlled pools of water with her brain-waves. This was accomplished by having electroencephalography (E.E.G.) data to create sound-waves which were pushed through pools of water, causing them to ripple. Park sat in the center of the pools as this occurred. For Eunoia, Park separated the E.E.G. data into five emotions, each of which fed into one of five pools of water. For Eunoia II, she expanded her conception of brain activity to cover forty-eight pools of water, matching the forty-eight emotions described by philosopher Baruch Spinoza. Also, while Park strove to control her emotions in Eunoia in order to keep the pools of water still, she changed her approach in Eunoia II to focus on expressing emotions.

Lisa Park (artist) Lisa Park Artist Uses EEG to make Emotions Visible

She collaborated with fellow student Adria Navarro to create "I Wish I Said Hello," a work that used physical locations mentioned in classifieds such as Craigslist to map out places where people missed connecting with each other.

Awards and fellowships

Lisa Park (artist) Lisa Park Artist Uses EEG to make Emotions Visible

Park is a member of NEW INC at the New Museum and is the recipient of a 2014 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship. Park is currently undertaking a residency at Nokia Bell Labs from 2017.


Lisa Park (artist) Wikipedia

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