Sneha Girap (Editor)


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267,804 (2010)

582.48 km2

Sao Paulo


Paulo Hadich

Limeira is a city in the eastern part of the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. The population in 2010 was of 276,010 people and the area of 582.48 km2. The elevation is 588 m. It is 154 km from Sao Paulo, the state capital, and 1011 km from Brasilia, Brazils capital. The city can be easily reached from Sao Paulo by two highways: Rodovia Anhanguera and Rodovia dos Bandeirantes.


Map of Limeira

Once an important and strategical pole of the coffee culture, Limeira was also known as the "Brazilian orange capital" due to the great citrus production that occurred in the past, although now the main crop cultivated in the city is the sugar cane. Afterwards, it became recognized by its new plated jewelry and semi-jewelry industry which attract customers from all over the world, giving the city the title of "Brazils plated jewelry capital". There are more than 450 companies that are responsible for half of Brazils exports in this sector.

There is a famous farm located in Limeira, Fazenda Ibicaba, that belonged to Nicolau de Campos Vergueiro, who brought the first immigrants from Europe, especially from Germany, Portugal, Switzerland and Belgium, to replace the enslaved African-Brazilian workers, which was basically a government effort to "bleach" the race, as it was feared Brazil would become a "black country". Limeira is thus said to have accomplished the first positive experience with immigrant workers in Brazil. Probably because Northern Europeans preferred to run their own farms rather than to subject themselves to indentured work and the Portuguese tended to work in commerce, Italian immigrants were brought to work the fields. Such immigrant groups were greater in numbers than all the others all over Sao Paulo state. Northern Europeans and the first Italians to arrive in the country often came with the promise of being granted lands in exchange for their work, but the last ones were treated socially only better than the slaves themselves. The latter, nonetheless, had nowhere to go for jobs as slavery ended and many begged to be rehired for food. The situation of some of them improved when the British installed the railway in the country and gave them prestigious jobs with housing. Today, Limeira is located in a prosperous region in Sao Paulo State.

Mtb xc em limeira na regiao de tatu

A.A. Internacional is a traditional football club based in Limeira, along with Independente F.C. The citys biggest stadium is the Major Jose Levy Sobrinho stadium, built in 1977.


The history of Limeira begins with the economic exploitation in the state of Sao Paulo, more precisely in mid-1826, which marks the founding of the region of Limeira. But also includes a period before this year involving a legend which tries to explain the origin of the current name of the city.


Limeira Culture of Limeira

Currently, Limeira has more than 2,000 farms. Rural production remains strongly marked by the sugar cane (Ethanol production) and orange/citrus, which has remained virtually unchanged over the past two decades, with a slight decline. The sugar cane production reaches more than 1 million tons per year and citrus (orange, lemon and tangerine), more than 1.4 billion units. On a smaller scale for production there are avocados, corn, rice and beans. The city is considered the first producer of Sao Paulo citrus industry, and it is recognized by its production of seedlings, especially citrus.

During the last three decades Limeira gained a large center of commerce of plants and seedlings on Geada, located on Limeira-Piracicaba Road, approximately km 120. The biggest companies are Felix Plantas, Bonin Plantas, Dierberger and Chacara Roseira,

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