Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Lia Fáil

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Lia Fáil GOD39s House in stone history of the Lia Fil stone O39Brien Clan

Lia f il stone of destiny vandalised

The Lia Fáil ([ˌl̠ʲiə ˈfɑːl̠ʲ], meaning Stone of Destiny) is a stone at the Inauguration Mound (Irish: an Forrad) on the Hill of Tara in County Meath, Ireland, which served as the coronation stone for the High Kings of Ireland. It is also known as the Coronation Stone of Tara. In legend, all of the kings of Ireland were crowned on the stone up to Muirchertach mac Ercae c. AD 500.


Lia Fáil Lia Fail Lia Fil The Stone of Destiny Standing Stone Menhir

Mythical origin

Lia Fáil Legendary Lia Fil The Coronation of High Kings in Ancient Ireland

There are several different, and conflicting, legends in Irish mythology describing how the Lia Fáil is said to have been brought to Ireland. The Lebor Gabala, dating to the eleventh century, states that it was brought in antiquity by the semi-divine race known as the Tuatha Dé Danann. The Tuatha Dé Danann had travelled to the "Northern Isles" where they learned many skills and magic in its four cities Falias, Gorias, Murias and Findias. From there they travelled to Ireland bringing with them a treasure from each city – the four legendary treasures of Ireland. From Falias came the Lia Fáil. The other three treasures are the Claíomh Solais or Sword of Light, the Sleá Bua or Spear of Lugh and the Coire Dagdae or The Dagda's Cauldron.

Lia Fáil 1000 images about LIAFAILStone of DestinyJacob39s pillow on

Some Scottish chroniclers, such as John of Fordun and Hector Boece from the thirteenth century, treat the Lia Fáil the same as the Stone of Scone in Scotland. According to this account the Lia Fáil left Tara in AD 500 when the High King of Ireland Murtagh MacEirc loaned it to his great-uncle, Fergus (later known as Fergus the Great) for the latter's coronation in Scotland. Fergus's sub-kingdom, Dalriada, had by this time expanded to include the north-east part of Ulster and parts of western Scotland. Not long after Fergus's coronation in Scotland, he and his inner circle were caught in a freak storm off the County Antrim coast in which all perished. The stone remained in Scotland which is why Murtagh MacEirc is recorded in history as the last Irish King to be crowned on it.

Lia Fáil httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

However, historian William Forbes Skene commented: "It is somewhat remarkable that while the Scottish legend brings the stone at Scone from Ireland, the Irish legend brings the stone at Tara from Scotland."

Mythical powers

Lia Fáil The Vandalism Of The Lia Fil An Sionnach Fionn

The Lia Fáil was thought to be magical: when the rightful High King of Ireland put his feet on it, the stone was said to roar in joy. The stone is also credited with the power to rejuvenate the king and also to endow him with a long reign. According to Lebor Gabála Érenn, Cúchulainn split it with his sword when it failed to cry out under his protégé, Lugaid Riab nDerg - from then on it never cried out again, except under Conn of the Hundred Battles. and according to legend, at the coronation of Brian Boru in 1002.

Inis Fáil

Lia Fáil Lia Fil the Stone of Destiny Global Bazaar somathread

It is from this stone the Tuatha Dé Danann metonymically named Ireland Inis Fáil (inis meaning island), and from this 'Fál' became an ancient name for Ireland. Fál in Irish means several things like hedge, enclosure or king, ruler. In this respect, therefore, Lia Fáil came to mean 'Stone of Ireland'. Inisfail appears as a synonym for Erin in some Irish romantic and nationalist poetry in English in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; Aubrey Thomas de Vere's 1863 poem Inisfail is an example.

Lia Fáil Garda investigation after iconic ancient stone at Hill of Tara

The term Fianna Fáil ("the Fianna, warriors, or army of Ireland"; sometimes rendered "the soldiers of destiny") has been used as a sobriquet for the Irish Volunteers; on the cap badge of the Irish Army; in the opening line of the Irish-language version of Amhrán na bhFiann, the Irish national anthem; and as the name of the Fianna Fáil political party, one of the main parties in Ireland.


Sometime in June 2012, the stone was vandalised. The stone was damaged in 11 places by a hammer. It was vandalised again in May 2014 when green and red paint was poured on the stone covering at least 50% of its surface.


Lia Fáil Wikipedia

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