Girish Mahajan (Editor)


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Scientific name


Higher classification
Daisy family

Leontodon Flora of North America Genus Leontodon

Lower classifications
Leontodon taraxacoides, Leontodon tuberosus, Leontodon pyrenaicus, Rough Hawkbit

Hawkbit leontodon sp

Leontodon is a genus of plants in the dandelion tribe within the sunflower family (Compositae), commonly known as hawkbits.


Leontodon Leontodon saxatilis Wikimedia Commons

Their English name derives from the mediaeval belief that hawks ate the plant to improve their eyesight. Although originally only native to Eurasia and North Africa, some species have since become established in other countries, including the United States and New Zealand.

Recent research has shown that the genus Leontodon in the traditional delimitation is polyphyletic. Therefore, the former Leontodon subgenus Oporinia was raised to generic level. According to the nomenclatural rules the name Scorzoneroides has priority at generic level and therefore, the members of Leontodon subgenus Oporinia were transferred to the re-erected genus Scorzoneroides.

Leontodon httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu


Seeds of Leontodon species are an important food source for certain bird species.


Leontodon Factsheet Leontodon saxatilis

In Crete, the species Leontodon tuberosus which is called γλυκοβύζια (glykovyzia), γλυκοράδικα (glykoradika) or βυζάκια (vyzakia) has its roots eaten raw and its leaves eaten steamed.

Secondary metabolites

Leontodon Leontodon hispidus Wikipedia

The genus Leontodon s.str. (i.e. excluding the members of the resurrected genus Scorzoneroides) is a rich source of hypocretenolides, unique guaiane type sesquiterpene lactones with a 12,5-lactone ring instead of the usual 12,6 lactone ring.

Leontodon Leontodon taraxacoides

Phenolics found in Leontodon include luteolin type flavonoids and caffeoyl quinic acid derivatives such as chlorogenic acid and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid. Moreover, Leontodon species contain the caffeoyl tartaric acid derivatives caffeoyl tartaric acid and cichoric acid.


accepted species
Leontodon Rough Hawkbit Leontodon hispidus Flowers NatureGate


Leontodon Wikipedia

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