Supriya Ghosh (Editor)


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Scientific name

Higher classification
Butterflies and moths



Lasiocampidae Hants Moths Lasiocampidae

Lower classifications
Malacosoma, Lackey moth, Macrothylacia rubi, Lasiocampa quercus, Euthrix potatoria

Forest tent caterpillar moth lasiocampidae malacosoma disstria

The Lasiocampidae are a family of moths also known as eggars, snout moths, or lappet moths. Over 2,000 species occur worldwide, and probably not all have been named or studied.


Lasiocampidae nitrobiosciarizonaeduzeebbutterfliesfigsmot

Tolype moth lasiocampidae tolype velleda on wall


Lasiocampidae 15475jpg

Their common name 'snout moths' comes from the unique protruding mouth parts of some species that resemble a large nose. They are called 'lappet moths' due to the decorative skin flaps found on the caterpillar's prolegs. The name 'eggars' comes from the neat egg-shaped cocoons of some species. The name is from the Greek lasio (wooly) and campa (caterpillar).


Lasiocampidae FileLasiocampidae Eriogaster cataxJPG Wikimedia Commons

Caterpillars of this family are large in size and are most often hairy, especially on their sides. Most have skin flaps on their prolegs and a pair of dorsal glands on their abdomens. They feed on leaves of many different trees and shrubs, and often use these same plants to camouflage their cocoons. Some species are called tent caterpillars due to their habit of living together in nests spun of silk.

Lasiocampidae Lasiocampidae Wikipdia

As adults, the moths in this family are large-bodied with broad wings and may still have the characteristic elongated mouth parts, or have reduced mouthparts and not feed as adults. They are either diurnal or nocturnal. Females lay a large number of eggs which are flat in appearance and either smooth or slightly pitted. In tent caterpillars, the eggs are deposited in masses and covered with a material that hardens in air. Females are generally larger and slower than the males, but the sexes otherwise resemble each other. Moths are typically brown or grey, with hairy legs and bodies.


Subfamily Chionopsychinae (one genus, two species)

Subfamily Chondrosteginae (two genera)

Subfamily Lasiocampinae (130 genera)

  • Tribe Gastropachini (previously subfamily Gastropachinae)
  • American lappet moth, Phyllodesma americana
  • Riley's lappet moth, Heteropacha rileyana
  • Tribe Lasiocampini
  • Tribe Malacosomatini
  • Eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum
  • Forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstrium
  • Western tent caterpillar, Malacosoma californicum
  • Subfamily Macromphalinae (15 genera)

  • Euglyphis lankesteri
  • Larch moth, Tolype laricis
  • Tolype dayi
  • Velleda lappet moth, or large tolype Tolype velleda
  • Titya synoecura
  • Subfamily Poecilocampinae (two genera)

    Genera incertae sedis

  • Trabala
  • Nesara
  • Bhima
  • See also the list of Lasiocampid genera


    Lasiocampidae Wikipedia

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