Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Krikor Agopian

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Krikor Agopian

Krikor Agopian

Krikor agopian is an armenian lebanese painter

Krikor Agopian (born December 14, 1942 in Beirut Lebanon) is a Canadian-Armenian painter.


Krikor Agopian agopiancawpcontentgalleryagopianphotoshapei

As a youth educated in Canada, he took courses on commercial, fashion, industrial, and furniture design. His designs earned him an acceptance at Concordia University as an applicant for an electronic engineering degree. After a design course in his major, Agopian was offered an individual exhibition, a rare event for first-year students. On witnessing his work, his professor urged him to switch to fine arts.

Krikor Agopian The works of Krikor Agopian Richelieu Art Gallery

Krikor Agopian Exhibition 2019 (3)

Academic formation

Krikor Agopian The works of Krikor Agopian Richelieu Art Gallery

  • Studio 5316, Montreal, Canada
  • Washington School of Fine Arts, Washington, United States
  • Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
  • Professor

    Krikor Agopian httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

  • Beirut School Of Fine Arts 1972-73, 1978–80
  • Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts 1977-81
  • Institute of Fine Arts, 1981-85 Kaslik
  • Prizes

    Krikor Agopian Les oeuvres de Krikor Agopian Galerie dart Richelieu

  • Mention of honner, T.M.A, Beirut 1972
  • Prizes of Excellence, Makhoul, 1980
  • 1st prize, Makhoul, 1981
  • National Competition of Visual Arts, Montreal, 1990

  • 2nd Grand Prize, all categories
    Krikor Agopian LIFE AS A HUMAN Stimulation to Creation

  • National Competition of Visual Arts, Montreal, 1991

  • Krikor Agopian One Fine Art Artists Painters Agopian Krikor
    2nd Grand Prize all categories
    Krikor Agopian Les oeuvres de Krikor Agopian Galerie dart Richelieu

  • Nomination: Prize of Artistic Excellence Laval, 1991
  • National Competition of Visual Arts, Montreal, 1996
  • 3 rd Grand Prize all categories
  • International Competition Visual Arts, Montreal, 1997
  • 1st Prize Abstract.
  • International Visual Arts, Montreal, 1998
  • 1st Trophy • Surrealism


    Over orange backgrounds, he usually shows dreamlike compositions with subtle light effects where conflicts and human vanities are excluded.


    Krikor Agopian Wikipedia

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