Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Kremlin pool

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Kremlin pool (Russian: Кремлевский пул), also President's pool is a common reference to a group of Russian journalists accredited to regularly cover the activities of the President of Russia and the top Russian government.

Yelena Tregubova in her controversial book The tales of a Kremlin digger speaks about the behind-the-scenes of the "Kremlin pool" of late Boris Yeltsin and early Vladimir Putin.

Notable journalists

  • Andrey Kolesnikov (since 2001)
  • Boris Grishchenko (late 1970s - 2004)
  • Yelena Tregubova (1997-2001)
  • Margarita Simonyan (2002-2005)
  • Natalya Melikova (since 2002)
  • References

    Kremlin pool Wikipedia

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