Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)


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Khoresh Persian chicken and butternut stew Khoresh Taste of Beirut

Main ingredients
Meat, vegetables, spices

Fesenjān, Ghormeh sabzi, Gheimeh, Tahdig, Shirazi salad

Khoresh (Persian: خورش‎‎) is a generic term for stew dishes in Persian cuisine. The word is a substantive of the verb xordan (Persian: خوردن‎‎) "to eat" and literally means "meal". The word is often misspelt Khoresht (Persian: خورشت‎‎) in writing, which is attributable to linguistic hypercorrection. An alternative, although rare spelling, is Khorisht.


Khoresh KHORESH GHEYMEH Persian Mama

It generally refers to different stews in the Iranian cuisine, and is typically served beside polo (rice). In Iranian cuisines there are many different Khoresh with many unique ingredients. Vegetarian Khoreshes are common. Iranian stews use liberal amounts of saffron to give a distinctive and fragrant taste. The most popular Khoreshes are Khoresh Gheymeh, Khoresh Ghormeh Sabzi and Khoresh Fesenjaan.

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khoresh karafs


Khoresh Turmeric amp Saffron Khoresh Sib o Gheysi Persian Apple Stew with

  • Khoresh bademjan (Aubergine Stew): including aubergines, boned leg of lamb or stewed beef or chicken, onions, turmeric, tomato paste and medium tomatoes
  • Khoresh Bādemjān Lapeh (Aubergine and Yellow Split Pea Stew): same as previous with addition of yellow split peas and Advieh
  • Khoresh Bāmieh (Okra Tomato Stew): Stewing lamb or beef, okra, potatoes, onions, fresh lime juice and tomato paste
  • Khoresh Bāmieh Lapeh (Okra and Yellow Split Pea Stew): same as previous with addition of yellow split peas and Advieh
  • Khoresh Beh (Quince Stew): chunks of lamb are stewed with slices or cubes of tart quince, and yellow split peas; this dish is always served with rice.
  • Khoresh alou Esfenaj (Prune and Spinach Stew)
  • Khoresh Fesenjān or Fesenjun (Pomegranate Stew) including duck or chicken, or beef meatballs, ground walnuts, onions, Pomegranate molasses, sugar
  • Khoresh Havij (Carrot Stew)
  • Khoresh Kadu (Zucchini Stew): pan-fried whole or long-cut sliced zucchini, stewed lamb, beef or chicken, onions, tomato paste and whole or split pan-fried tomatoes
  • Khoresh Qārch (Mushroom Stew)

  • Khoresh Turmeric amp Saffron Khoresh Gheymeh A Traditional Iranian Dish with

  • Khoresh Gheimeh (Split-pea Lamb Stew) including Stewing lamb or beef, Split-peas, onions, potatoes, tomato paste and dried limes
  • Khoresh Ghormeh Sabzi (Fresh Herb and Lamb Stew) including Red kidney or black-eyed beans, Fresh fenugreek, parsley, coriander or parsley, spring onions or leeks, boned leg of lamb, onion and dried limes
  • Khoresh Kangar
  • Khoresh Karafs (Celery Beef Stew) including lamb or beef, celery, onions, fresh lime juice, mint, and parsley
  • Khoresh Lubia Sabz (French Bean Stew)
  • Khoresh Reevaas (Rhubarb Stew)
  • Khoresh Aloo (Prune Stew)
  • Salt, pepper, Advieh, and oil are also used in these dishes.

    Khoresh Khoresh39e Beh Quince Stew Sweet amp Sour

    Khoresh Turmeric amp Saffron Khoresh Gheymeh A Traditional Iranian Dish with


    Khoresh Wikipedia

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