Sneha Girap (Editor)

Khan Jahan I

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Mughal Army

5000 of his own sowars

Khan I

Khan Jahan I

General with the rank of 5000

Years of service
1575–1578 as Subadhar

Hussain Quli Beg was a Mughal General with the rank of 5000. He was entitled as Khan-i-Jahan (Khan of the World) by emperor Akbar.


Early life

Beg was the son of Wali Beg Zul-Qadr and the nephew of Bairam Khan. He began his career as an ordinary soldier in Akbar's army.


He was appointed Subahdar of Bengal after the death of Munim Khan in 1575. Daud Khan Karrani, the last Afghan Sultan of Bengal, again rebelled against the Mughal Empire. On 12 July 1576 in the battle of Rajmahal, Khan Jahan defeated Daud Shah. He was executed and his head was sent to Agra. Khan Jahan also took Satgaon under his control.

Khan Jahan led military expedition against Afghan chieftains of the Bhati region in 1578. But in a naval battle in Katsul against Isa Khan, he failed to capture the area and retreated from Bhati.

He later died at Tandah, the Bengal capital of Mughals, in 1578.


Khan Jahan I Wikipedia

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