Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Kevin Sabet

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Kevin Sabet



Doctoral advisor
George Smith

Drug policy, Journalism

Kevin Sabet Meet the quarterback of the new antidrug movement Saloncom

Washington, DC and Cambridge, MA

Alma mater
University of California, BerkeleyOxford University

Reefer Sanity: Seven Great Myths about Marijuana


The White House, ONDCP

Notable awards

Senator cory booker vs kevin sabet the great cannabis debate

Kevin Abraham Sabet, also known as Kevin Sabet, (born February 20, 1979) is an assistant professor of psychiatry and Director of the Drug Policy Institute at the University of Florida. With Patrick J. Kennedy, he co-founded Smart Approaches to Marijuana in January 2013.


Kevin Sabet Kevin Sabet Politics Northwest Seattle Times

He is also the author of numerous articles and monographs including the book "Reefer Sanity: Seven Great Myths About Marijuana."

Kevin Sabet wwwalternetorgfilesstylesstoryimagepublics

The False Dichotomy of Legalization and Criminalization | Kevin Sabet | TEDxPrincetonU

Education and career

Sabet is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley and Oxford University, where he received his Doctorate in social policy as a Marshall Scholar. He is an opponent of drug legalization and has spoken on behalf of the Obama Administration on the subject. After leaving ONDCP after 2.5 years, he became a consultant and professor. In January 2013, Rolling Stone called him "Legalization Enemy #1" ahead of the US Drug Czar and the DEA Administrator.

Kevin Sabet is the president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM). He is a regular contributor to TV and print media and a blogger for the Huffington Post.

Drug policy advocacy

Sabet has worked with NIDA Director Alan Leshner on MDMA education efforts, and has had testimony entered on the official Congressional record. He was a key witness in two marijuana hearings after his work in the Obama Administration.

He has written on the need for prevention, treatment, and enforcement to guide drug policy, although he has also argued for abolishing severe sentencing guidelines, like mandatory minimum laws. His articles have been published in newspapers, such as The Washington Post and The New York Times. He has argued for removing criminal penalties for low-level marijuana use but has opposed legalization.


In September 2016, Sabet admitted lying multiple times to a forum at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, when he claimed to possess two bags of candy one of which was infused with marijuana. After the forum concluded, Sabet left both bags of candy unattended, which were subsequently stolen. He was chastised for leaving a controlled substance unattended only to be caught lying about the contents of the bags. The attendee of the forum who stole the bags submitted them to a laboratory for testing of their levels of marijuana content. Dr. Saunders' report was conclusive that neither bag of candy contained any THC (the psychoactive compound of marijuana). The story was reported in a news broadcast, which claimed that Sabet admitted there was never any marijuana in the props he presented to the forum.


Kevin Sabet Wikipedia

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