Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Kathy Willis

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Kathy Willis


University of Cambridge University of Oxford University of Bergen Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Late Quaternary vegetational history of Epirus, northwest Greece (1990)

Doctoral students
Blanca Rangel Lydia Cole

Notable awards
FRGS Michael Faraday Prize (2015)

Plants: From Roots to Riches

Alma mater
University of Southampton, University of Cambridge

Ecology, Conservation biology

University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Prof kathy willis university of oxford world forum on enterprise and the environment 2011

For the Illinois State Representative, see Kathleen Willis


Kathy Willis Page 3 Profile Kathy Willis biologist The Independent

Katherine Jane Willis is a biologist, focusing on the relationship between long-term ecosystem dynamics and environmental change. She is Professor of Biodiversity in the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, and an adjunct Professor in Biology at the University of Bergen. She holds the Tasso Leventis Chair of Biodiversity at Oxford and was founding Director, now Associate Director, of the Biodiversity Institute Oxford. Willis is also Director of Science at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Kathy Willis BBC Radio 4 The Life Scientific Kathy Willis on botany


Kathy Willis Honorary Doctor Kathy Willis University of Bergen

Willis gained her first degree in geography and environmental science from the University of Southampton, and her PhD in plant sciences from the University of Cambridge.


Kathy Willis Prof Kathy Willis University of Oxford World Forum on Enterprise

Following her PhD, Willis held a Selwyn College, Cambridge postdoctoral research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge, a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Plant Sciences, and a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in the Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research, University of Cambridge. In 1999 she moved to a lectureship in the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, where she established the Oxford Long-term Ecology Laboratory in 2002. Willis was made a professor of long-term ecology in 2008, and on 1 October 2010 became the first Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity and director of the James Martin Biodiversity Institute in Zoology. In addition to her position in Oxford she is also an adjunct professor (professor II) in the Department of Biology at the University of Bergen, Norway. She is a trustee of WWF-UK, a panel member on the advisory board for the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, a trustee of the Percy Sladen Memorial Trust, an international member on the Swedish Research Council's FORMAS evaluation panel, and a college member of the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). From 2012 to 2013 she held the elected position of director-at-large of the International Biogeography Society. In 2013 she was appointed Director of Science at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, on a 5-year secondment from the University of Oxford. BBC Radio started to broadcast in October 2014 an "indefinite" series of documentary talks about the scientific and social history of the Kew collection,


Kathy Willis Professor Katherine Willis Oxford LongTerm Ecology Laboratory

Willis’s research focuses on reconstructing long term responses of ecosystems to environmental change, including climate change, human impact and sea level rise. She argues that understanding long-term records of ecosystem change is essential for a proper understanding of future ecosystem responses. Many scientific studies are limited to short-term datasets that rarely span more than 40 to 50 years, although many larger organisms, including trees and large mammals, have an average generation time which exceeds this timescale. Short-term records therefore are unable to reconstruct natural variability over time, or the rates of migration as a result of environmental change. She also argues that a short-term approach gives a static view of ecosystems, and an unrealistic "norm" which must be maintained or restored and protected. Her research group in the Oxford Long-term Ecology laboratory therefore focuses on the reconstruction of ecosystem responses to environmental change on timescales ranging from tens to millions of years, and the applications of long-term records in biodiversity conservation. She has argued that the impacts of contemporary climate change on plant biota is uncertain and potentially not as severe as researchers envision, and challenged assumptions made in the interpretation of spatially constrained temperature records. Kew's State of the World's Plants report (2016) pinpoints land cover change as the major threat to global biodiversity, not climate change.

Kathy Willis Katherine J Willis Kew

Willis's research has been published in leading peer reviewed scientific journals including Nature, Science, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Biological Conservation. and Quaternary Science Reviews. With Jennifer McElwain she co-authored the textbook The Evolution of Plants. Her research has been funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Awards and honours

Willis has won several awards including:

  • The Lyell Fund, Geological Society of London in 2008
  • Elected fellow of the Geological Society of London in 2009
  • Elected foreign member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
  • Michael Faraday Prize from the Royal Society of London, 2015
  • References

    Kathy Willis Wikipedia

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