Suvarna Garge (Editor)


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Kaiserschützen KAISERSCHTZEN Archivio Storico Dal Molin

Common Army, Austro‑Hungarian Army, Imperial and Royal Hussars, Imperial and Royal Aviation T, Austro‑Hungarian Navy

The k.k. Landesschützen (literal: Imperial-Royal [k.k.] country shooters) - from January 16, 1917 Kaiserschützen (literal: Imperial rifles) - has been three regiments of Austro-Hungarian mountain infantry during the kaiserliche und königliche Monarchie (literal: k.u.k. Monarchy).


Kaiserschützen Landesschtzen Wikipedia


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Established 19 December 1870 with ten Tyrolian Landesschützen (Territorial Infantry) battalions, there were two companies of mounted infantry added in 1872. In 1906 they were reorganized in the pattern of the Italian Alpini as pure mountain troops. Despite being territorial forces, the Kaiserschützen were used in the First World War in many theatres and took heavy losses.

Deployments 1914-1918

Kaiserschützen Landesschtzen Wikipedia

  • Galicia: Lemberg, Gródek, Przemyśl, Pilica, Limanowa Lapanow, Gorlice Tarnów, Carpathia
  • Serbia
  • Tirol, Carniola: Monte Cristallo, Monte Piano, Falzarego, Tofana, Col di Lana, Marmolada, and others

  • Kaiserschützen Landesschtzen

    They were principally deployed in opposition to the Italian Alpini. By the date of the armistice, 4 November 1918, the second and third regiments were positioned on Zugna Torta, over Monte Corno, up to Monte Spil. The first regiment were up to the Adamello-Presanella Alps.

    Kaiserschützen Kaiserschtzen by Felicien de MyrbachRheinfeld on artnet

    Kaiserschützen FileKaiserschtzen im GefechtJPG Wikimedia Commons

    Kaiserschützen Kaiserschtzen Tiroler Landesschtzen


    Kaiserschützen Wikipedia

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