Harman Patil (Editor)

Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection

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Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection is a fortnightly partwork collection of hardback books published by Hachette Partworks. The series is made up of 80 volumes which contain thematic collections of stories about 2000 AD's Judge Dredd and related characters, as well as bonus material including previously unpublished art. The spine art on the books combine to display a new image by artist Patrick Goddard. The series was also accompanied by the launch of a series of podcasts called '2000 AD Thrill-Casts' which, after the 6th episode, widened its focus to 2000 AD in general.


The series is the third recent comics series by Hachette Partworks. It follows the success of The Official Marvel Graphic Novel Collection and Marvel's Mightiest Heroes Graphic Novel Collection and is the first which departs from Marvel comics. It is available in the UK, Ireland and Australia.

Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection Judge Dredd The Mega Collection Review shelfabusecom

Judge dredd the mega collection

List of books

Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection Judge dredd the mega collection comic book compendiums hardback

The following books are those confirmed by Hachette. "Issue" refers to the order of publication, and "Volume" refers to the order in which the books are intended to be kept once the 80-volume collection is complete.

Issues not formally confirmed by publisher

The publisher has made it clear they do not want future numbered issues that are unconfirmed added to the above table, however below are details that have leaked out through text pages in already published issues as well as via the Facebook page.

Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection Judge Dredd Mega Collection Book 1 America AllComiccom

  • Vol 13 / Issue 78 (3 January 2018) "Stars of Psi Division"
  • Vol 17 / Issue 75 (22 November 2017) "Weird Science"
  • Vol 22 / Issue 72 (11 October 2017) "Independent Operators"
  • Vol 27 will feature The Angel Gang.
  • Vol 29 / Issue 79 (17 January 2018) will focus on Chopper
  • Vol 34 / Issue 69 (30 August 2017) includes The Judge Child
  • Vol 35 will feature Fink
  • Vol 48/ Issue 71 (27 September 2017) "Mega City Justice" will conclude the Tour of Duty arc.
  • Vol 53 "Brothers Of The Blood" will feature stories of the extended Dredd Family including The Return Of Rico.
  • Vol 54 will be Insurrection
  • Vol 59 will feature Mark Millar's Red Razor.
  • Vol 61 will collect early Detective Judge Armitage stories.
  • Vol 64 & 65 are two further Missionary Man books.
  • Vol 74 will be called Famous Monsters.
  • Issue 61 (10 May 2017) will include Fast Food
  • Issue 74 (8 November 2017) will be include City of the Damned

  • Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection Judge Dredd Mega Collection Book 1 America AllComiccom

    Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection Judge Dredd Mega Collection Book 3 Apocalypse War AllComiccom


    Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection Wikipedia

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