Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo

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Romulo Betancourt

Juan Perez

Alicia Castillo

Organizations founded


Johns Hopkins University

Juan Pablo Perez Alfonso wwwvenezuelatuyacombiografiasimagenesjuanpper
Romulo BetancourtRomulo Gallegos

Succeeded by
Arturo Hernandez Grisanti

13 December 1903Caracas, Venezuela (

September 3, 1979, Washington, D.C., United States

El profeta olvidado, Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo

Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo

Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo (13 December 1903 – 3 September 1979), was a prominent Venezuelan diplomat, politician and lawyer primarily responsible for the inception and creation of OPEC.


Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo En 1979 falleci el padre de la OPEP Juan Pablo Prez Alfonzo PSUV

Early career

Born in Caracas, Venezuela, Pérez Alfonzo helped found the political party Democratic Action (AD; Acción Democrática). As Minister of Development during the first democratic government of Venezuela, the short-lived administration of Rómulo Betancourt (1947–1948), was responsible for increasing oil revenues for the country by raising taxes through what later became known worldwide as the 50/50 formula.

Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo Venezolanos N 1 Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo y la OPEP

With the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Rómulo Gallegos by the military in November 1948, Perez Alfonzo obtained political asylum in the United States after spending 9 months in jail. He moved to Mexico for financial reasons, where he resided until the return of democracy in 1958, when the democratically elected President Rómulo Betancourt called him back to government service to finish the job he had begun under the presidency of Gallegos, this time as Minister of Energy. During the years he spent in Washington he studied the activities of the oil industry worldwide and, in particular, the Texas Railroad Commission (TRC), which served to reinforce his ideas about creating OPEC, further developing his thoughts about conservation and stabilization of petroleum production and the defense of oil prices.

Service under Betancourt government

Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo wwwvenezuelatuyacombiografiasimagenesjuanpper

As Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons during the second democratic government of Venezuela of president Rómulo Betancourt (1959–1964), he was responsible for the creation of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) for the purpose of rationalizing and thereby increasing oil prices in the world market. Triggered by a 1960 law instituted by US President Dwight Eisenhower that forced quotas for Venezuelan oil and favored Canada and Mexico's oil industries, Perez Alfonzo (also known as the Father of OPEC) reacted seeking an alliance with oil producing Arab nations to protect the continuous autonomy and profitability of Venezuela's oil (among other reasons), establishing a strong link between the South American nation and the Middle East region that survives to this day. His extensive notes of the TRC methods for regulation of production to maximize recovery served him well both in Venezuela and later when he took them translated into Arabic to the Cairo meeting that served as launching platform for OPEC, where Wanda Jablonski introduced him to then minister of petroleum of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Tariki, co-founder of OPEC.

Death and legacy

Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo Juan Pablo Prez Alfonzo

Pérez Alfonzo died in Washington, D.C. at the Georgetown University Hospital on 3 September 1979, having succumbed to pancreatic cancer. He was 75 years old.

Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo Juan Pablo Prez Alfonzo

Venezuela's Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo Airport was named in his honor in 1991.

Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo Biografa de Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo

Since 1998, the Orden Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo (Order of Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo) is the Venezuelan award of state given to those who contribute to works related to mining, petroleum and energy.

Famous quote

In 1976, Pérez Alfonzo gave an intuitive warning about what economists now call the "natural resource curse":



  • Petróleo: jugo de la tierra. Caracas: Editorial Arte, 1961.
  • La Dinámica del petróleo en el progreso de Venezuela. Caracas: Central University of Venezuela, 1965.
  • Petróleo de vida o muerte (debate with Arturo Uslar Pietri). Caracas: Editorial Arte, 1966.
  • El pentágono petrolero: la política nacionalista de defensa y conservación del petroleo. Caracas: Revista Política, 1967.
  • ¿Hasta cuándo los abusos de La Electricidad?: informe sobre el caso Guarenas. Guarenas: Municipal Council, 1969.
  • Petróleo y dependencia. Caracas: Síntesis Dos Mil, 1971.
  • Hundiéndonos en el excremento del diablo. Caracas: Editorial Lisbona, 1976.
  • El desastre (with Domingo Alberto Rangel and Pedro Duno). Valencia: Vadell Hermanos, 1976.
  • Alternativas (with Iván Loscher). Caracas: Garbizu & Todtmann Editores, 1976.
  • Venezuela y el petróleo. Caracas: Centro Gumilla, 1976.
  • References

    Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo Wikipedia

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