Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Juan Bautista Maíno

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Juan Maino

Juan Bautista Maino

Vida y obra de juan bautista ma no

Friar Juan Bautista Maíno (1581 – 1 April 1649) was a Spanish painter of the Baroque period.


Juan Bautista Maíno FileFray Juan Bautista Maino Adoration of the Kings WGA13870

Born in Pastrana, Juan Mayno's last name has also been spelled Maino. From 1600 to 1608, he lived in Italy. He was said to be a pupil of el Greco, though others claim he trained in or followed the styles of Carracci and Guido Reni, and his painting style were quite different over time in Spain.

Juan Bautista Maíno FileFray Juan Bautista Maino Adoration of the Shepherds

In March, 1611 he moved to Toledo and in 1612 he painted the altarpiece of the Cuatro Pascuas, for the main altar of the church of San Pedro Mártir, now in the Museo del Prado. His Adoration of the Shepherds is there as well. Best known in Toledo, he became a Dominican in June 1613 and joined the convent of San Pedro Mártir in Toledo. He became tutor for King Felipe IV in 1620. In court, Mayno helped arrange patronage for Alonso Cano. He died in the College of Santo Tomas of Madrid. He was admired as a miniature portraitist. He helped Diego Velázquez in his early career and among his disciples was Juan Ricci.

Juan Bautista Maíno The Recapture of Bahia in 1625 by MAINO Fray Juan Bautista

Documental juan bautista ma no un maestro por descubrir


Juan Bautista Maíno Juan Bautista Mano 15811649 Exhibition Museo Nacional del Prado

  • San Juan Bautista (Saint John the Baptist) (1608–10, Kunstmuseum, Basel), attributed by Caravaggio.
  • Conversión de San Pablo (Conversion of Saint Paul) (c. 1610, Colección particular, Madrid)
  • Conversión de San Pablo (Conversion of Saint Paul) (c. 1614, MNAC, Barcelona)
  • San Pedro arrepentido (c. 1612, private collection, Barcelona)
  • Paisaje con San Juan Bautista (c. 1613, private collection, Madrid)
  • Paisaje con María Magdalena penitente (c. 1613, private collection, Madrid)
  • Frescoes in the Capilla Mayor de San Pedro Mártir (1611–13, Toledo)
  • Retablo de San Pedro Mártir de Toledo (1612–14, Museo del Prado)

  • Juan Bautista Maíno httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

  • Adoración de los pastores (Adoration of the Shepherds)
  • Adoración de los Reyes Magos (Adoration of the Magi)
  • Resurrección de Cristo
  • Pentecostés (Pentecost)
  • San Juan Bautista en el desierto (Saint John the Baptist in the Desert)
  • San Juan Evangelista en Patmos (Saint John the Evangelist in Patmos)
  • Magdalena penitente en la gruta de Sainte-Baume
  • San Antonio Abad en un paisaje
  • Santo Domingo de Guzmán (deposited in the Museo Víctor Balaguer in Vilanova i la Geltru)
  • Santa Catalina de Siena (Saint Catherine of Siena) (deposited in the Museo in Vilanova i la Geltru)
  • Retablo de la Anunciación (Museo del Prado)
  • Trinidad (Trinity) (1612–20)
  • Anunciación (Annunciation) (1610)
  • Resurrección de Cristo (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden)
  • Imposición de la casulla a San Ildefonso
  • Virgen de Belén
  • Adoración de los pastores (Adoration of the Shepherds) (private collection)
  • Magdalena penitente (1615, private collection, Geneva)
  • Pentecostés (Pentecost) (1615–20, Museo del Prado)
  • Retrato de caballero (Portrait of a Knight) (1618–23, Museo del Prado)
  • San Jacinto (Saint Hyacinth) (1620–24, San Pedro Mártir, Toledo)
  • Retrato de Felipe IV (Portrait of Philip IV) (1623–25, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich), miniature.
  • Retrato de caballero (Portrait of a Knight) (1625, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich), miniature.
  • San Agabo (The Bowes Museum, County Durham)
  • Adoración de los pastores (Adoration of the Shepherds) (Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg)
  • Adoración de los pastores (Adoration of the Shepherds) (Meadows Museum, Dallas)
  • Retrato del arzobispo José de Melo (Portrait of Archbishop José de Melo) (Cabildo Catedralicio, Evora Cathedral)
  • Santo Domingo en Soriano (Saint Dominic in Soriano) (1629, Museo del Prado)
  • Santo Domingo en Soriano (Saint Dominic in Soriano) (1629, Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg)
  • Retablo de los Miranda (c. 1629, Colegiata, Pastrana)
  • Don Juan Miranda con San Francisco de Asís (Don Juan Miranda with Saint Francis of Assisi)
  • Doña Ana Hernández con San Juan Bautista (Doña Ana Hernández with Saint John the Baptist)
  • Recuperación de Bahía de Todos los Santos en Brasil (Recapture of Bahía (de Todos os Santos) in Brazil) (1634–35, Museo del Prado)
  • Retrato de un monje dominico (Portrait of a Dominican Monk) (1635–40, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
  • Fray Alonso de Santo Tomás (1648–49, Museo Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona)

  • Juan Bautista Maíno Juan Bautista Mano 15811649 Exhibition Museo Nacional del Prado

    Juan Bautista Maíno The Adoration of the Magi The Collection Museo Nacional del Prado


    Juan Bautista Maíno Wikipedia

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