Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Josh Balk

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Known for
Founding Hampton Creek

Josh Balk

Josh Balk wwwanimalcharityevaluatorsorgwpcontentuploads

Senior Director of Food Policy for The Humane Society of the United States

Valedictorian, Keystone College (2000)

Associate degree, Keystone College, Bachelor's degree, George Washington University

Organizations founded
Hampton Creek

Erica meier inducts josh balk to animal rights hall of fame animal rights nat l conf 15 ar2015

Josh Balk (born September 24, 1979) is the senior director of food policy for The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) farm animal division. In addition, he is a cofounder of Hampton Creek, a food technology company. Prior to working with HSUS and founding Hampton Creek, he was known for his work at Compassion Over Killing (COK). Balk is best known for his work with food companies in enacting animal welfare policies that include eliminating gestation crates for breeding pigs and battery cages for chickens.


Baseball career

Balk attended Radnor High School, where he was chosen as an Adidas top 100 future Major League baseball prospect, and also became the school's record holder for most wins and strikeouts. Since his graduation, the school honors the team's best pitcher each year with the "Josh Balk Award." He went on to Keystone College where he was awarded the school’s best pitcher and all-league honors in his freshman year. However, Balk was unable to continue pitching after his first collegiate season due to a career-ending shoulder surgery.

Work at Compassion Over Killing

Following college, Balk worked at Compassion Over Killing as an undercover investigator in slaughterhouses and factory farms. He also worked with various retailers, showing them different ways to add vegetarian options to their menus, and launched the organization's first national anti-factory farming advertising campaign.

Work at the Humane Society of the United States

Since starting with The HSUS in 2005, Balk has worked with many of the largest corporations in the world to improve animal welfare in their supply chains. Some of these companies include Walmart, General Mills, Compass Group, Aramark, Sodexo, and ConAgra. He also helped lead successful legislative campaigns to criminalize factory farming abuse in Arizona, California, Maine, and other states.

Founding Hampton Creek Foods

In 2011, Balk founded Hampton Creek Foods with Joshua Tetrick. Bill Gates named Hampton Creek one of three companies that will forever change the food system.

Balk in the Media

Balk has conducted numerous press conferences, been interviewed by national media outlets, and has also had his work publicized on television, radio, print, and online media. Balk’s work has been covered by the Associated Press, Fortune, CNN, Christian Science Monitor, and dozens of other outlets. Balk has been featured in books such as Kathy Freston’s New York Times best-selling book, Veganist, Melanie Joy’s, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows, Caryn Ginsberg's, Animal Impact, and Ben Davidow's, Uncaged. His work with corporations was also featured in Nicholas Kristoff's New York Times column entitled, "Can We See Our Hypocrisy to Animals?" printed on July 28, 2013.


Inc. Magazine named Balk one of the top 15 entrepreneurs to watch in 2015.

At the 2015 Animal Rights National Conference, Josh Balk was elected by fellow presenters to the Animal Rights Hall of Fame for his innovative contributions to increasing and popularizing vegan alternatives to animal products, as well as his other work on behalf of farmed animals.


Josh Balk Wikipedia

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