Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Jonathan Plowright

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Jonathan Plowright


Hommage a Chopin

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Jonathan Plowright (born 1959) is a British concert pianist. He was educated at Stonyhurst College, in Lancashire.


Jonathan Plowright Jonathan Plowright pianist

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Life and career

Jonathan Plowright Jonathan Plowright Piano Short Biography

Plowright was born in Yorkshire. A gold medallist at The Royal Academy of Music, London, where his professor was Alexander Kelly (pianist). He was also a recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore with Julio Esteban.

Jonathan Plowright Jonathan Plowright pianist

Plowright won the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Award and the European Piano Competition. His USA debut was at Carnegie Hall in 1984. His UK debut followed in 1985, at Wigmore Hall. Plowright performed worldwide as recitalist, appeared with leading orchestras and ensembles, made many commercial recordings and appeared on radio and TV broadcasts.

Jonathan Plowright Paderewski Festival 2010 Pianist Jonathan Plowright

He championed neglected music from Polish Romantic composers, Stojowski, Paderewski and Melcer, which he has recorded for Hyperion Records. He made the premiere recording of the collaborative suite Homage to Paderewski.

As of 2012 he was Professor at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama and Head of Keyboard at the University of Chichester. He offers masterclasses, consultation lessons and prize adjudications.


Jonathan Plowright Wikipedia

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