Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Jon Mandle

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Jon Mandle

Jon Mandle Jon Mandle Are there any limits of scientific explanation an

What's Left of Liberalism?, Global Justice, Rawls's 'A Theory of Justice'

Constructivism in hobbes and kant jon mandle

Jonathan Mandle is a Professor of Philosophy and former Philosophy Department Chair at the University at Albany, The State University of New York. He is a member of the Crooked Timber group blog. He is the brother of NBA player Adonal Foyle.


Dewey and rawls on metaphysics jon mandle


  • B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Philosophy
  • Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, Philosophy, under the direction of Kurt Baier
  • Interests

  • Ethics and political theory and their history
  • John Rawls' theory of social justice
  • Publications

  • What's Left of Liberalism? An Interpretation and Defense of Justice as Fairness. Lexington Books, 2000. (ISBN 0-7391-0104-8)
  • Global Justice: An Introduction. Blackwell Publishers, 2006. (ISBN 0-7456-3065-0)
  • Notable blog posts

  • Lifeboat Ethics (critique of Garrett Hardin)
  • All posts (Crooked Timber post list for Jon Mandle)
  • References

    Jon Mandle Wikipedia

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