Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

John Jairo Velásquez

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Medellín Cartel

Other names
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Date apprehended

John Jairo Velásquez itelegraphcoukmultimediaarchive03018Popeye

April 15, 1962 (age 54) (
Yarumal, Antioquia, Colombia

Aura Ofelia Vásquez, Servelión Velásquez

Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, Luis Carlos Galán, José Gonzalo Rodrígue, Virginia Vallejo

John Jairo Velásquez Vásquez (Born April 15, 1962) also known by the alias Popeye, is an ex-hitman that was part of the criminal structure of the Medellin Cartel until his delivery to the Colombian justice system in 1992. Within this structure he was a lieutenant commanding half of the sicarios. He was one of the members of the inner circle of Pablo Escobar, the head of the criminal organization calling itself The Extraditables.


John Jairo Velásquez Meet Pablo Escobar39s hitman the world39s most dangerous man who

John Jairo Velasquez Vasquez was born in the municipality of Yarumal, Antioquia. He was admitted to the Colombian National Army, later he joined the cadet school of the national police, only to retire days later, having not to found any satisfaction in this profession. Later, he entered the school of apprentices of the Colombian Navy where he earned his distinctive nickname ‘Popeye’ because of his physical resemblance to the character, which would later be removed by plastic surgery.

John Jairo Velásquez Saldr a la libertad John Jairo Velsquez 39Popeye39 Cesar Noticias


John Jairo Velásquez Meet Pablo Escobar39s hitman the world39s most dangerous man who

Velasquez attended night school. He entered the School of NCOs of the Colombian Navy, and eventually transferring to the Police Cadet School General Santander, where he spent one semester. Later in life while imprisoned he also obtained 14 diplomas of various short courses.

Criminal Career

John Jairo Velásquez John Jairo Velsquez 39Popeye39 asesin a 300 personas por orden de

Velasquez was identified as a top leader of the Medellin cartel hitmen by Colombian media, especially those focused on the capital Bogotá. He has confessed to 3500 killings, the kidnapping of then candidate for mayor of Bogota, Andres Pastrana Arango (who would later become President of the republic), the kidnapping of Francisco Santos (who would later become vice president), kidnapping and murder of colombian politician Carlos Mauro Hoyos, complicity in the Murder of the governor of Antioch Antonio Roldan Betancur in a failed mission entrusted to Popeye and John Jairo Arias Tascon, alias "Pinina" to kill police colonel department Valdemar Franklin Quintero and presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galan, and has also been implicated in the terrorist attack on Avianca flight 203.


John Jairo Velásquez Noticias de John Jairo Velsquez Vsquez El Dnamo

Since 1992, Velasquez served a prison sentence on charges of terrorism, drug trafficking, conspiracy for terrorist purposes and murder. However, despite the severity of his Conviction(s), Colombia does not have capital punishment and the maximum sentence is of thirty years. During 2000 and 2001, Popeye was involved in armed clashes in La Modelo prison. In 2008, he was sentenced to twelve years for other judicial proceedings against him. On August 22, 2014 he would have received probation for having served three-fifths of his sentence, but as he is involved in other legal processes and investigations, probation would not be obtained. Nonetheless, he was released on August 26, 2014.

Personal life

John Jairo Velásquez Jhon Jairo Velasquez VasquesquotPopeyequot ex Sicario Pablo Escobar 2015

According to Velásquez, he killed his girlfriend after she was exposed as an informant. Escobar entrusted Velásquez with getting rid of said informant. In an interview, according to Popeye, Escobar was clear in his instructions, “you or her, do not hesitate a single second ... “

Controversy has continued to follow Popeye since his release from prison. On December 12, 2016, a video appeared in which Velásquez brandishes and fires a handgun in the streets of Medellín. In the video, Velásquez proudly states, "Hello warriors, I'm here in the streets of my beloved Medellín, testing out my beautiful 9mm Pietro Beretta. We're firing it, it's a doll, a beauty!"

On December 2016, two men on motorbikes pulled up alongside him as he was driving in his car and robbed him of his luxury brand glasses, two gold bracelets and a mobile phone, he said. He also said it was the second time he had been targeted in such a way but police said he had not reported the incidents.

Today, aside from being a controversial figure, Popeye is a YouTube personality who uploads videos. In these videos he critiques various topics in Colombia such as a corrupt government and socioeconomic hardships.


John Jairo Velásquez Wikipedia

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