Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner

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Johann Dobereiner

Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonscc

13 December 1780 Hof, Bayreuth (

Known for
Dobereiner\'s triadsDobereiner\'s lamp

Johann Adam Dobereiner, Johanna Susanna Goring

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Notable students
Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge

24 March 1849 (aged 68) Jena, Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach

Döbereiner's Triads | School Of Elements | Part 2

Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner (13 December 1780 – 24 March 1849) was a German chemist who is best known for work that foreshadowed the periodic law for the chemical elements and inventing the first lighter, which was known as the Döbereiner's lamp. He became a professor of chemistry and pharmacy at the University of Jena.


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Life and work

Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner Johann Wolfgang Dbereiner Simple English Wikipedia the free

As a coachman's son, Döbereiner had little opportunity for formal schooling. So he was apprenticed to an apothecary, reading widely and attending science lectures. He eventually became a professor at the University of Jena in 1810; he also studied chemistry at Strasbourg. In work published in 1829, Döbereiner reported trends in certain properties of selected groups of elements. For example, the average atomic mass of lithium and potassium was close to the atomic mass of sodium. A similar pattern was found with calcium, strontium, and barium, with sulphur, selenium, and tellurium, and also with chlorine, bromine, and iodine. Moreover, the densities for some of these triads followed a similar pattern. These sets of elements became known as "Döbereiner's triads".

Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner Dbereiner

Döbereiner also is known for his discovery of furfural, for his work on the use of platinum as a catalyst, and for a lighter, known as Döbereiner's lamp.

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The German writer Goethe was a friend of Döbereiner, attended his lectures weekly, and used his theories of chemical affinities as a basis for his famous 1809 novella Elective Affinities


  • Deutsches Apothekerbuch . Vol. 1-3 . Balz, Stuttgart 1842-1848 Digital edition by the University and State Library Düsseldorf

  • Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner Development Of The Periodic Table Timeline Preceden


    Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner Wikipedia

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