Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Joe Bonomo

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Joe Bonomo

Stunt Performer

Ethel Newman (m. ?–1978)

Joan Bonomo

Joe Bonomo legendarystrengthcomwpcontentuploads201302j

March 28, 1978, Los Angeles, California, United States

Perils of the Wild, The Great Circus Mystery, The Golden Stallion

Building Body Power, Improve Your Dancing

Albert Bonomo, Esther Bonomo

Rock book show interview joe bonomo sweat the story of the fleshtones

Joe Bonomo is an American essayist and rock and roll writer.



Bonomo's books include Field Recordings from the Inside (essays),This Must Be Where My Obsession with Infinity Began (essays), AC/DC's Highway to Hell (3313 Series), Jerry Lee Lewis: Lost and Found, Installations (National Poetry Series), Sweat: The Story of The Fleshtones, America’s Garage Band, and the interviews collection Conversations with Greil Marcus (Literary Conversations Series). Lost and Found and Sweat have been translated into French and published in France, the latter as The Fleshtones: Histoire d'un Groupe de Garage Américain.

He has published personal essays widely since the mid-1990s in Creative Nonfiction, The Normal School, Fourth Genre, Brevity, Defunct, Hotel Amerika, Diagram, Free Verse, Georgia Review, Gulf Coast, Laurel Review, Quarter After Eight, River Teeth, Seneca Review, Sentence, and elsewhere, and in the anthologies Brief Encounters: An Anthology of Short Nonfiction, How to Write About Music: Excerpts from the 33 1/3 Series, Magazines, Books and Blogs with Advice from Industry-Leading Writers, and The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry: Contemporary Poets in Discussion and Practice.

In 2012 Bonomo was named the music columnist for The Normal School literary magazine, for which he writes two essays annually.

Bonomo was born and raised in Wheaton, Maryland, and graduated from University of Maryland (BA) and Ohio University (MA and PhD). Since 1995 he has taught writing creative nonfiction and literature at Northern Illinois University. He lives with his wife, Amy Newman, a professor and poet, in DeKalb, Illinois.


  • Sweat: The Story of the Fleshtones, America's Garage Band (Bloomsbury, 2007)
  • Installations (National Poetry Series, Penguin Books, 2008)
  • Jerry Lee Lewis: Lost and Found (Bloomsbury, 2009)
  • AC/DC's Highway to Hell (3313 Series, Continuum Intl Pub Group, 2010)
  • Conversations with Greil Marcus (Literary Conversations Series, University Press of Mississippi, 2012)
  • This Must Be Where My Obsession with Infinity Began, essays (Orphan Press, 2013)
  • Field Recordings from the Inside, essays (Soft Skull Press, 2017)
  • Awards

  • Illinois Arts Council Fellowships
  • Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Instruction (Northern Illinois University)
  • National Poetry Series
  • Orphan Press Creative Nonfiction Book Award
  • References

    Joe Bonomo Wikipedia

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