Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Jennifer Bertrand

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Jennifer Bertrand

University of Kansas

Jennifer Bertrand HGTV Design Star Jennifer Bertrand talks 2014 Design Trends

Black francis interview by jennifer bertrand

Jennifer Bertrand is the host of Home & Garden Television's Paint-Over! with Jennifer Bertrand and the season three champion of HGTV Design Star. Paint-Over! with Jennifer Bertrand is an hour-long show that showcases her decorative painting and murals. She will also be on the show HGTV Showdown, in which she will compete head-to-head with another HGTV designer. In addition to appearances and a hosting job on HGTV, Bertrand owns a design business with her husband in Weatherby Lake, Missouri.


Jennifer Bertrand 0412gardenjenniferbertrandpng

Streetcar Stories (Episode 015) - Jen Bertrand, HGTV Design Star

Jennifer Bertrand hgtvhomesndimgcomcontentdamimageshgtvfullse

Jennifer Bertrand Jennifer Bertrand Show Intro YouTube


Jennifer Bertrand Wikipedia

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