Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Jammie Dodgers

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Jammie Dodgers are a popular British biscuit, made from shortbread with a raspberry or strawberry flavoured jam filling. They are currently produced by Burton's Biscuit Company at its factory in Llantarnam. In 2009, Jammie Dodgers were the most popular children's sweet biscuit brand in the United Kingdom, with 40% of the years' sales consumed by adults.


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Jammie Dodgers Jammie Dodgers Burton39s Biscuits Corporate Website

Jammie Dodgers have been sold in other flavours, including raspberry, lemon, toffee, orange, chocolate, Vimto and "berry blast". Smaller version of the biscuits have been sold in "lunchpack" bags.


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Named after the character Roger the Dodger from The Beano comics, Jammie Dodgers have been produced for over 50 years, originally by Burton's Foods. In 2011, the brand was re-launched under the "Dodgers" umbrella with two new products: Toffee and Choccie.

In November 2013, Burton's Foods was sold to Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan for £350m.

Jammie Dodgers Jammie Dodgers Burton39s Biscuits Corporate Website

Similar biscuits are produced by other manufacturers. A version of this biscuit is made in France under the name Gateaux Sables Nappage Fraise by Pat'Boul de Provence. This version is bigger (100 mm (3.9 in) diameter) and has three round holes through which strawberry jam is visible.


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The 2011 re-launch TV campaign received the "Best Biscuit Advert of 2011" reward from The Grocer magazine. Burton’s launched a new advert for Choccie Dodgers in April 2012, during Britain’s Got Talent, as part of a £4.5 million campaign.

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