Puneet Varma (Editor)

Jamie Clarke (Neighbours)

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1987–90, 2003

Last appearance
17 December 2003

Des Clarke


First appearance
30 July 1987

Former; regular

Daphne Clarke

Sally Wells

Portrayed by
Sarah Jane Dey (1987–89) Ryder Susman (1989) Nicholas and James Mason (1989–90) Angus McLaren (2003)

Introduced by
Reg Watson (1987) Ric Pellizzeri (2003)

Matt Robinson, Susan Cole, Josh Anderson, Sharon Davies, Eddie Buckingham

James Kingsley "Jamie" Clarke is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Angus McLaren. The character was originally played by Sarah Jane Dey from the character's birth and introduction on 30 July 1987. Ryder Susman briefly took over the role in 1989, before Dey returned. Dey said she had to leave because of her hair length. In 1989, brothers Nicholas and James Mason took over the role of Jamie until his departure in 1990. In 2003, the character returned, this time played by McLaren.



Jamie is born to Des (Paul Keane) and Daphne Clarke (Elaine Smith) in July 1987. Shortly after his birth, Jamie suffers breathing problems, but recovers. Daphne dies several months before Jamie's first birthday and Des is forced to raise him alone. When Jamie wanders off one day at a supermarket, Des is frantic with worry but luckily Bronwyn Davies (Rachel Friend) returns Jamie to him safely. Bronwyn then becomes Jamie's nanny. Jamie causes Des more worry in several incidents including swallowing a toy drumstick and nearly drowning. When Des meets Fiona, they become engaged and he and Jamie leave Erinsborough. Some years later, Des' marriage to Fiona breaks down and he and Jamie move to Adelaide. Des suffers a breakdown and is admitted to hospital and Jamie is put into care.

After bullying from some older boys, Jamie, now 16, flees and returns to Erinsborough. Stuart Parker (Blair McDonough) befriends Jamie after catching him trying to steal from the caravan park where he is staying. Stuart introduces Jamie to Karl and Susan Kennedy who are now living in Jamie's old home and they tell him they have been trying to contact him regarding shares Daphne had left for him under the linoleum years before. Jamie confirms his identity and Karl explains that Jamie will only be able to claim them with Des' consent. Jamie goes cold on the idea after his father is mentioned and leaves the shares with the Kennedys.

Jamie finds Stuart's picture on the front of the Erinsborough News labelling him the ring-leader of Life Mechanics, a scam perpetrated by Jonathan Verne (Oscar Redding). Jamie accuses him of using him to get his hands on his shares and refuses to have anything to do with him. Stuart explains the truth of the matter and he and Jamie reconcile. Stuart takes Jamie to meet Harold Bishop (Ian Smith), a friend of Des and Daphne's. Harold arranges via a contact at the Salvation Army to get in touch with Des and is successful. Jamie is happy and agrees to return to his father in Adelaide.


A writer for the BBC described Jamie's most notable moments as "Being involved in a car crash which left his mother, Daphne in a coma" and "Returning to the Street in 2003 to claim his inheritance."


Jamie Clarke (Neighbours) Wikipedia

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