Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Jacqui Smith

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Prime Minister
Gordon Brown

Preceded by
Hilary Armstrong

Richard Timney (m. 1987)

Prime Minister
Tony Blair

Former Home Secretary

Succeeded by
Alan Johnson

Jacqui Smith

Preceded by
John Reid

Succeeded by
Geoff Hoon

Labour Party

Jacqui Smith www4picturesgizimbiocomPrimeMinisterHomeSe

James Timney, Michael Timney

Hertford College, Oxford (1981–1984), Dyson Perrins Church of England Academy, University of Oxford

Previous offices
Home Secretary (2007–2009), Minister of State (2001–2003)

Similar People
Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Alan Johnson, Charles Clarke, John Reid - Baron Reid of Cardo

Former home secretary jacqui smith loses redditch

Jacqueline Jill Smith (born 3 November 1962) is a British former politician. She was the Member of Parliament for Redditch from 1997 until 2010 for the British Labour Party, the first female Home Secretary and the third woman to hold one of the Great Offices of State, after Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister) and Margaret Beckett (Foreign Secretary).


Jacqui Smith Anger as Jacqui Smith prepares to unveil ID card design

Smith was one of the MPs investigated by the parliamentary commissioner for standards over a variety of inappropriate expense claims. Smith, whose case was arguably among the most significant of the MPs' expenses cases, was never prosecuted, and was asked to pay back less than average after investigation by Sir Thomas Legg; but she was found to have "clearly" broken the rules on expenses and ordered to apologise.

Jacqui Smith The record doctor will see you now Music The Guardian

On 5 June 2009, she ceased to be Home Secretary in a Cabinet reshuffle, and then lost her seat as Member of Parliament for Redditch in the 2010 General Election.

Jacqui Smith Jacqui Smith admits cannabis reclassification was wrong

George galloway mp vs jacqui smith isis military intervention debate bbc this week

Early life

Jacqui Smith Conservative Women 39Aren39t Proper Feminists39 Says Former

Born in Malvern, Worcestershire, Smith attended Dyson Perrins High School in Malvern. Her parents were teachers, and both Labour councillors; although her mother briefly joined the SDP. Her local MP, Conservative backbencher Michael Spicer, recalled in Parliament in 2003 how he had first met her when he was addressing the sixth form at The Chase School, where Smith's mother was a teacher: "So great was my eloquence that she immediately rushed off and joined the Labour Party." Smith read PPE at Hertford College, Oxford and gained a PGCE from Worcester College of Higher Education.

Jacqui Smith QampA Jacqui Smith home secretary on arguing interfering

Working as a school teacher, Smith taught Economics at Arrow Vale High School in Redditch from 1986 to 1988 and at Worcester Sixth Form College, before becoming Head of Economics and GNVQ Co-ordinator at Haybridge High School, Hagley in 1990.

Jacqui Smith FileJacqui Smith September 2009 croppedjpg Wikimedia

Smith also worked as secretary of the National Organisation of Labour Students and describes herself as having a "feminist background".

Member of Parliament

Having failed to be elected as a Labour MP for the safe Conservative seat of Mid Worcestershire in 1992, Smith was selected through an all-women shortlist in the 1997 general election as the Labour candidate for Redditch.

She won the seat as part of a (then) record number of female MPs elected to the House of Commons who were dubbed "Blair Babes". Smith was re-elected in 2001 and 2005; following the 2005 election she had a majority of just 1,948 (4.6% of the vote), owing to boundary changes.

Smith entered the Government in July 1999 as a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department for Education and Employment, working with the Minister for School Standards Estelle Morris. She then became a Minister of State at the Department of Health following the 2001 general election. She was appointed as the Government's deputy Minister for Women in 2003, working alongside Secretary of State Patricia Hewitt. In this role she published the Government's proposals for Civil Partnerships, a system designed to offer same-sex couples an opportunity to gain legal recognition for their relationship with an associated set of rights and responsibilities.

Minister for Schools

Following the 2005 general election, Smith was appointed to serve as the Minister of State for Schools in the Department for Education and Skills, replacing Stephen Twigg who had lost his seat. Teacher trade union sources stated that Smith "talked to us on our level".

Government Chief Whip

In the 2006 reshuffle she was appointed as the Government's Chief Whip. In a period when supporters of Gordon Brown were pushing Prime Minister Tony Blair to resign, she was successfully able to calm the situation down. The BBC's political editor Nick Robinson described her as being effective at "making peace between the warring Blair and Brown factions".

Smith was regarded as a loyal Blairite during Tony Blair's premiership, a position reflected in her voting record, and she was brought to tears by Blair's farewell appearance in the House of Commons.

Home Secretary

Smith was appointed Home Secretary in Gordon Brown's first Cabinet reshuffle of 28 June 2007. Just one day into her new job bombs were found in London and a terrorist attack took place in Glasgow the following day.

On 24 January 2008, she announced new powers for the police, including the proposal to permit law enforcement services to hold terrorist suspects or those linked to terrorism for up to 42 days without charging them. In the same month Smith said that she would not feel safe on the streets of London at night. Critics suggested her statements were an admission that the government had failed to tackle crime effectively. Smith also introduced legislation to toughen the prostitution laws of England and Wales, making it a criminal offence to pay for sex with a prostitute controlled by a pimp, with the possibility that anyone caught paying for sex with an illegally trafficked woman could face criminal charges.

Smith introduced a crime mapping scheme to allow citizens of England and Wales to access local crime information and how to combat crime. As Home Secretary, she was able to announce that minor crime dropped year-on-year under the Labour government, and continued to do so in 2008.

Smith managed to pass the 42-day detention law plans in the House of Commons, despite heavy opposition. The House of Lords voted overwhelmingly against the law, with some of the Lords reportedly characterising it as "fatally flawed, ill-thought-through and unnecessary", stating that "it seeks to further erode fundamental legal and civil rights". In March 2009, Smith published the first ever public Counter Terror Strategy.

When Conservative MP Damian Green was arrested in his Commons office, Smith stated that she was not informed of the impending arrest. The Metropolitan Police said that Green was "arrested on suspicion of conspiring to commit misconduct in a public office and aiding and abetting, counselling or procuring misconduct in a public office". A junior Home Office official, Christopher Galley, was later arrested regarding the same alleged offences as Green, and was released on bail. He was not charged, but he was suspended from his Home Office job while the investigation continued. He was later dismissed from his position for gross misconduct. Green did not dispute having dealings with the Home Office official.

In March 2009, at the height of the expenses furore, a leaked poll of Labour Party members revealed that Smith was considered to be the worst performing member of the cabinet, with only 56% of her party believing she was doing a good job.

National identity legislation

In May 2009, Smith announced that the cost of introducing the National Identity Card project (a scheme abandoned by the incoming Liberal-Conservative coalition government in May 2010), had risen to an estimated £5.3 billion, and that it would first become compulsory for foreign students and airport staff. It was planned that the cards would be made available from high-street shops at an estimated cost of £60. Smith defended her decision to use high-street shops, and stated that the hope was to make enrolment in the scheme a less intimidating experience and to make the cards easier to access. She claimed, despite evidence to the contrary, that the majority of the population was in favour of the scheme. In another privacy-related issue, Smith said she was disappointed at the European Court of Human Rights' decision to strike down a law allowing the government to store the DNA and fingerprints of people with no criminal record; in December 2008 an estimated 850,000 such DNA samples were being held in England and Wales. Her compromise was to scale down the length of time that data could be kept, with a maximum limit of 12 years. This went against the spirit of the Court's decision.

Drug policy

On 19 July 2007 Smith admitted to smoking cannabis a few times in Oxford in the 1980s. "I did break the law... I was wrong... drugs are wrong", she said. Asked why students today should listen when she urged them not to try the drug, she said that the dangers of cannabis use had become clearer, including mental health issues and the increasing strength of the drug over the past 25 years. Smith's admission was made public the day after Gordon Brown appointed her head of a new government review of the UK Drugs strategy.

In May 2008, against the recommendations of her own scientific advisers, Smith reversed the government's 2004 decision to downgrade cannabis to a class C drug, returning it to the status of class B, with the law change taking effect on 26 January 2009. According to her most senior expert drugs adviser Professor David Nutt, the following exchange took place between Smith and himself:

Smith: "You cannot compare the harms of an illegal activity with a legal one."
Nutt then asked whether one shouldn't compare the harms to see if something should be illegal.
Smith (after a long pause): "You can't compare the harms of an illegal activity with a legal one."

In February 2009 Smith was accused by Nutt of making a political decision in rejecting the scientific advice to downgrade ecstasy from a class A drug. The advisory council on the misuse of drugs (ACMD) report on ecstasy, based on a 12-month study of 4,000 academic papers, concluded that it is nowhere near as dangerous as other class A drugs such as heroin and crack cocaine, and should be downgraded to class B alongside amphetamines and cannabis. The advice was not followed; the government saying that it was "not prepared to send a message to young people that we take ecstasy less seriously". Smith was also widely criticised by the scientific community for bullying Professor Nutt into apologising for his factual comments that, in the course of a normal year, more people died from falling off horses than died from taking ecstasy.

Expenses controversies

Smith was investigated by the parliamentary commissioner for standards over accusations that she had inappropriately designated her sister's home in London as her main residence. The arrangement had allowed Smith to claim over £116,000 on her family's Redditch home since becoming an MP. Smith contended that she had done nothing wrong.

On 8 February 2009, it was revealed in the press that Smith had designated a house in London owned by her sister as her main residence in order to claim a parliamentary allowance for her house in Redditch as a secondary home, despite explicitly stating on her website that she "lives in Redditch". When asked whether it was fair that she made claims believed to have been made for items such as a flat-screen TV and scatter cushions, she said that analyses of her receipts had been very particular. In response to criticisms over her housing allowances, she said it was the "nature of the job" that MPs had to furnish and run two properties.

It was also reported that Smith had claimed expenses for a telecoms bill that contained two pornographic films and two other pay-per-view films. Smith said it was a mistake, and she would repay the amount. The reports made clear that the films had been viewed in the family home at a time when Smith was not present, and that she had given her husband, Richard Timney, a "real ear-bashing" over the incident. This and other cases prompted calls for reform of the additional costs allowance and a new system of payments to be introduced. Gordon Brown supported her and said she had done nothing wrong.

In October 2009, it was reported that the Standards Commissioner, John Lyon, had looked into complaints over her expense claims. He concluded that, although her London home was a genuine home and she had spent more nights there than in her Redditch home, her constituency home was in fact her main home, and that she was in breach of Commons rules, despite "significant mitigating circumstances". The claims for pay-per-view films were also found to be in breach. Ms Smith was not asked to repay any money, but was told to "apologise to the House by means of a personal statement." Ms Smith reacted by saying that she was "disappointed that this process has not led to a fairer set of conclusions, based on objective and consistent application of the rules as they were at the time.".

In an interview with Radio Times published in February 2011, Smith claimed that her expenses had been scrutinised because she was a woman, saying: "[I] know that it was my expenses people looked at first because I was a woman and should have been at home looking after my husband and children." Smith said that she had felt "frozen rather than angry" on learning that her husband had entered a parliamentary expenses claim for two pornographic films.

Exclusion list

On 5 May 2009, Smith named 16 'undesirable individuals', including convicted murderers and advocates of violence, who were to be banned from entering the United Kingdom over their alleged threat to public order. Controversially, the exclusion list included outspoken American talk radio host Michael Savage, who instructed London lawyers to sue Smith for 'serious and damaging defamatory allegations'.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: "The home secretary has made it clear that if such a case was brought that any legal proceedings would be robustly defended." Smith defended the choice of individuals by declaring, 'If you can't live by the rules that we live by, the standards and the values that we live by, we should exclude you from this country and, what's more, now we will make public those people that we have excluded.' The Guardian criticised Smith's actions.

After the Home Office

On 2 June 2009, Smith confirmed that she would leave the Cabinet in the next reshuffle, expected after the local and European Elections. She left office on 5 June and returned to the back benches. She was replaced by Alan Johnson. In a subsequent interview with Total Politics magazine regarding her time as Home Secretary, Smith described how she felt under-qualified for her Ministerial roles, adding "when I became home secretary, I'd never run a major organisation. I hope I did a good job. But if I did, it was more by luck than by any kind of development of skills. I think we should have been better trained. I think there should have been more induction.". Smith's major achievements as Home Secretary were introduction of tougher prostitution laws, a reduction in crime rates and promotion of Police Community Support Officers

In the General Election on 6 May 2010, Jacqui Smith lost her seat as Member of Parliament for Redditch to Karen Lumley of the Conservative Party, who won the seat with a majority of 5,821 votes. Smith said that she had been "immensely honoured" to serve Redditch. Smith wrote an open letter to the new Conservative Home Secretary Theresa May, advising her that the post was often seen as a "poisoned chalice".

In 2010, she began working as a consultant for KPMG and as an adviser to Sarina Russo Job Access. She applied to be vice-chairman of the BBC Trust. Smith presented a documentary on pornography, for BBC Radio 5 Live, called Porn Again which was broadcast on 3 March 2011. It was followed by a special edition of the Tony Livesey show, discussing pornography. She has regularly been on This Week and Question Time and is also currently a regular weekly commentator on Sky News's Press Preview Program. She also contributed to The Purple Book in 2011, putting forward new ideas on crime and policing.

Since March 2012, she has co-hosted a weekly show on talk radio station LBC 97.3 alongside former Conservative cabinet minister David Mellor – she took over from Ken Livingstone after he left to contest the London Mayoral Race of 2012.

She became Chair of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust in December 2013.

Personal life

Smith married Richard Timney (born 1963 in Ealing, London) in October 1987 in Malvern, Worcestershire, and they have two sons. In June 2008 the Independent newspaper reported that she was a season-ticket holder at Aston Villa Football Club.


Jacqui Smith Wikipedia

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