Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Jack Mikrut

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Jack Mikrut

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Jack Adam Mikrut is a Swedish photographer based in Brisbane, Australia. Born in Krakow, Poland, he emigrated to Canada at an early age. He lived in Luseland, Saskatchewan and Winnipeg, Manitoba before moving to Sweden in 1975.


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Jack commenced his career as freelance photographer in 1982. His first larger project was documenting the work of Swedish consultants VBB, now Sweco, in Egypt as they studied tombs in the Valley of the Queens and other Egyptian monuments in order to devise a plan of action to save them from saline corrosion.
In 1984 he began work as a staff photographer at the Swedish national daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet and was accepted as a member of the picture agency Tiofoto. His international assignments included, among others, a feature on UNDP missions in Mali and Burkina Faso and coverage of the refugee situation after the Iran-Iraq war in 1988 for the Swedish Red Cross.
In 1991 he joined the staff of Pressens Bild, now Scanpix, picture agency. He specialisd in news, and sports photography covering most major sports events, including 6 Olympic Games. Since 1990 recipient of numerous national and international awards. 2001 the Fuji European Sport Photographer of the Year award. 2002 his black and white portfolio, portraying swimmer Emma Igelström, placed first in the competition by French sports newspaper LÉquipe and the IOC, International Olympic Committee. Jack is currently employed as staff photographer at Dagens Industri, daily business newspaper based in Stockholm Sweden. He is also collaborating as official photographer for the Swedish Olympic Committee and as a consultant on business photography for Activated Logic, Australia


1990 Swedish Picture of The Year 3rd prize Humour
1992 Swedish Picture of The Year 2nd prize Portrait
World Press Photo diploma excellent work Sport singles
1993 Swedish Picture of The Year 3rd prize Sport Portfolio / 3rd prize Open category
1994 Swedish Picture of The Year 1st prize Humour
1998 Swedish Picture of The Year 2nd prize Sport Portfolio
1999 Sport Fuji Press Photo Award Sweden 1st prize
2000 Swedish Picture of The Year 3rd prize Spot News / 3rd prize Sport Stories
2001 Swedish Picture of The Year 1st prize Sport Feature Stories / 2nd prize Sport Feature singles / 2nd prize Sport Action / 3rd prize Sport Feature Stories
2001 1st prize Sport Fuji Euro Press Photo Award Sweden
2002 Fuji European Sport Photographer of the Year
2002 1st prize Black & White Portfolio Sports competition by IOC and L´Equipe
2003 Swedish Picture of The Year 2nd prize / World Handball Photo of The Year 1st prize
2004 62nd POYi USA Contest 3rd prize Sports singles
2005 Swedish Picture of The Year 3rd prize News
2007 Swedish Picture of The Year 1st prize Portrait
2007 Society for News Design Award of Excellence photography /single photos
2010 Wieliczka Salt Mine Through the Lens 1st prize Works by Miners category, Wieliczka Salt Mine Through the Lens distinction Saline Labyrinth category
2011 68th POYi USA Contest Award of Excellence Portrait category.


Digital Photo Fair Sollentuna exhibition : "Travelling with the Crown Princess"

Home & Digital Fair Stockholm exhibition : "Travelling with the Crown Princess"
TUR Travel Fair Gothenburg exhibition : "Travelling with the Crown Princess"

Digital Home and Photo Fair Stockholm exhibition : "Portraits"


Jack Mikrut Wikipedia

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