Sneha Girap (Editor)

Jacek Dehnel

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Jacek Dehnel


University of Warsaw

Koscielski Award

Jacek Dehnel Jacek Dehnel Instytut Ksiki

Matka Makryna, Ekran kontrolny, Saturn, Lala, Zywoty rownolegle

Nike Award: Audience Award, Nike Award: Jury Award

Jacek dehnel poland

Jacek Dehnel (born May 1, 1980) in Gdańsk, Poland) is a Polish poet, writer, translator and painter. Dehnel studied at Warsaw University in the MISH College (Interfacultative Individual Humanistic Studies) and graduated from the Polish Language and Literature department. He lives in Warsaw.


Jacek Dehnel Jacek Dehnel Biography Artist Culturepl

His first collection of poems was the last book recommended by Polish Nobel Prize Laureate, Czesław Miłosz.

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Dehnel has published his poems in various literary magazines, including Kwartalnik Artystyczny, Studium, Przegląd Artystyczno-Literacki, Topos, Tytuł, Undergrunt. He works also for an internet literary portal Nieszuflada.

Jacek Dehnel httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Dehnel has translated poetry of such poets as Osip Mandelshtam, W. H. Auden, Mary Oliver – unpublished, and Philip Larkin, George Szirtes – published. He has also rendered in Polish lyrics for songs by Ástor Piazzolla.

Jacek Dehnel Biuro Literackie

He has been awarded literary prizes that include the Kościelski Award in 2005 and the Paszport Polityki in 2007.

Author author jacek dehnel



  • Kolekcja (The Collection), 1999. Marpress, Gdansk (a collection of short stories)
  • Rynek w Smyrnie, 2007. W.A.B., Warsaw (a collection of short stories)
  • Lala, 2006. W.A.B., Warsaw (a novel)
  • Balzakiana, 2008. W.A.B., Warsaw (a collection of four mininovels)
  • Saturn. Czarne obrazy z życia mężczyzn z rodziny Goya, 2011,. W.A.B., Warsaw (English translation by Antonia Lloyd-Jones, published by Dedalus Books in 2013)
  • Kosmografia, czyli trzydzieści apokryfów tułaczych, accompanying an exhibition of 15th-century maps in the Warsaw National Library, 2012, Biblioteka Narodowa, Warsaw (a collection of short stories)
  • Młodszy księgowy, 2013. W.A.B., Warsaw (a collection of columns on books and reading)
  • Poetry

  • Żywoty równoległe (The Parallel Lives), 2004. Zielona Sowa, Cracow
  • Wyprawa na południe (An Expedition Southwards), 2005. Teatr Mały w Tychach, Tychy
  • Wiersze (Poems), 2006. Lampa i Iskra Boża, Warsaw
  • Brzytwa okamgnienia, 2007. Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
  • Ekran kontrolny, 2009. Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
  • Rubryki strat i zysków, 2011. Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
  • Języki obce, 2013. Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
  • Translations

  • Philip Larkin Zebrane (Collected: The Less Deceived, The Whitsun Weddings and High Windows), 2008. Biuro Literackie, Wrocław
  • Edmund White Hotel de Dream (Hotel de Dream), 2012. Biuro Literackie, Wrocław (with Piotr Tarczyński)
  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald Wielki Gatsby (The Great Gatsby), 2013. Znak, Kraków
  • Other

  • Six Polish Poets (as a poet and as an editor), 2009. Arc Publications, London.
  • References

    Jacek Dehnel Wikipedia

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